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Don't you worry about the snow, neither, darlin'. I knew it would scare you up, but it takes more than a doctor's line of talk to down-and-out me." "I I ain't worryin', darlin'." "You're the one I been worryin' about, Vi. It's just like the kid was worried too cried when Mrs. Quigley sung her to sleep." "Oh, my baby! Oh, my baby!" "Don't worry, dear.

"He looked very pale and thin, and he had a pair of crutches with him," answered Sam. "I didn't see him walk, but I suppose he must limp pretty badly, or he wouldn't have had the crutches." "Did you speak to him?" questioned Dick. "No. At first I thought I would do so, but he looked so down-and-out that I didn't have the heart to say anything and perhaps make him feel worse."

"Don't you see," he said, with a sort of desperate calmness, "that this girl has got to be sent home to-day not to-night nor to-morrow, but to-day? I can't do anything for her. You know, I'm the janitor and corresponding secretary of the Down-and-Out Club. I thought you could make a newspaper story out of it and win out a piece of money on general results.

I'm old Grayback from 'way back in Mervo. See! I've only to twiddle my fingers and there'll be a revolution and you for the Down-and-Out Club. Don't you forget it, sonnie." John shrugged his shoulders. "I've said all I have to say. You've had your notice to quit. After to-night the Casino is closed." "But don't I tell you the people won't stand for it?" "That's for them to decide.

With a glance at his shabby clothes, she asked: "What are you doing now?" "Same as usual nothing!" he answered dryly. "Down on your luck, eh?" she said sympathetically. "Never had any luck," he grumbled. "Been out long?" "Only six weeks the whole season. Show busted. I'm on my uppers for fair this time eligible for the down-and-out club. No prospects, either."

"You so big and strong and all!" He smiled at her and his teeth flashed. "Gad! little girl, if you got a right to be scared, whatta you think I had? I seen your card over at the clinic last night, and you 'ain't got no right to have that down-and-out look on you had this morning. If you think you got something to be scared at you looka my old card at the clinic some day; they keep it for show.

It built up between them between this down-and-out beast and a man fighting to find himself a comradeship which perhaps only the man and the beast could understand. Even as he devoured the fish Baree kept his one eye on David, as though fearing he might lose him again if he allowed his gaze to falter for an instant. The truculency and the menace of that eye were gone.

"You so big and strong and all!" He smiled at her and his teeth flashed. "Gad, little girl, if you got a right to be scared, whatta you think I had? I seen your card over at the clinic last night, and you ain't got no right to have that down-and-out look on you had this morning. If you think you got something to be scared at you looka my old card at the clinic some day; they keep it for show.

There was business to be managed no dillydallying in this day and generation, unless one would join the down-and-out club! Such was the point of view from which this bridegroom of a year surveyed his domestic life. It was a point of view established almost of necessity from the environment in which he found himself established. He was in no wise unique: he was typical of his class.

With its soft-shaded lamp, its two-toned rug, its Jacobean chairs, its magazine-laden cathedral oak table, its pot of bright flowers making a smart touch of color in the somber richness of the room, it was no place for the shabby, the down-and-out, the cringing, the rusty, or the mendicant.