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Bud, you and Tim and Dough-head give them guys a singe, their hair's getting too long. The rest of you boys just content yourselves doing a fancy decoration on the canvas all around 'em. I'll deevote my entire attenshun to trimming them lugshuriant whiskers, Mister Harris is a-sporting. All ready now, one, two, three, let 'em whistle!"

Henry, you show him how to manage the boiler and mix the paste. I don't imagine he even knows dough when he sees it." "I know a dough-head when I see one," spoke up Teddy promptly, after delivering himself of which sentiment he strolled away with hands in his pockets, whistling merrily. The drive to the country in the fresh morning air was a most delightful one to Phil.

"Oh, that chap is a dough-head. We can easily make him do what we want." "Don't be too sure. He might watch 'his chance and knock us both overboard." "Well, I know how to fix him. I'll send him a message to come here that Dick Rover wants him. When he comes we can bind him fast with this old harness and leave him here. Then we will have the houseboat all to ourselves." "And after that, what?"

He finished unsaddling and then went stalking over to quell this latest development. "They're trying to find out who was to blame," Weary informed him when he was quite close. "Bud hasn't got much tact: he called Irish a dough-head. Irish didn't think it was true humor, and he hit Bud on the nose. He claims that Bud pitched him into that dishpan uh dough with malice aforethought.

He stared at me through the deepening dusk. "Don't love you? Good Lord, Lady Peggy, I'm a fool about you! Any dough-head can see that." "Ah, but I'm not a dough-head. I know you don't love me. You proved that last night." "For the life of me, I can't think what you mean. I I told you I'd try to be your friend, but you knew what that meant! Don't keep me in suspense."

They've been hammering the Forest Service for the last month! I'll bet that dough-head never put a foot in National Forests once while he was West: rot about running off settlers, and shutting down mines, and hampering lumbering operations, and low down personal stuff! Anyway, between lies and dope, they've got Wayland! He's fired! I've been trying to get hold of him all day.