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The main ambulance was in a grange, of which the two stories had been partitioned off into wards. Under the cobwebby rafters the men lay in rows on clean pallets, and big stoves made the rooms dry and warm. But the great superiority of this ambulance was its nearness to a canalboat which had been fitted up with hot douches.

For a woman who has never taken douches it is well to begin with a temperature of 110° F., gradually increasing the temperature to 118° or 120°; this is as high as the woman should attempt to go, for a higher temperature would burn her, leaving the vulva so sensitive that she would only be able to take cool douches for a long time after this; a bath thermometer should be used in all cases to test the temperature, so that the woman knows exactly what she is doing.

Whenever a woman notices a vaginal discharge, it is a wise plan to go at once to a reliable physician, find out what is the cause and nature and then take measures to correct it. In the beginning a very little treatment, such as hot douches, may be all that is required, while if untreated the condition may become serious, as you will understand when I explain about the black plagues.

These doings were, indeed, very like the practices of the African Mussulmans to-day, who, in like circumstances, always begin by converting the Christian farm-hands by main force. Then they purified the basilicas by scraping down the walls and washing the floors with big douches of water; and after demolishing the altar, they scattered salt where it had stood. It was a perfect disinfection.

When they had drunk a glass each, Laevsky suddenly asked: "Tell me, please, what is the meaning of softening of the brain?" "How can I explain it to you? . . . It's a disease in which the brain becomes softer . . . as it were, dissolves." "Is it curable?" "Yes, if the disease is not neglected. Cold douches, blisters. . . . Something internal, too."

Another question which is still sub judice is the necessity for and the frequency with which vaginal douches should be taken; all physicians are agreed that a vaginal douche taken immediately after the menstrual period is beneficial, as it removes all the debris of the flow, which is sometimes very irritating. Exercise.

The emphasis which is laid on religious persuasion and inspiration, on prayer and spiritual uplift practically excludes the use of baths and douches, of massage and electricity, of tonics and sedatives. And yet it is not caprice or sham when every well-schooled medical specialist applies such means in the treatment of these so-called functional diseases of the nervous system.

After that there is a decided falling off of the beau monde. Many people take their bath at half past five in the morning and are quite ready to go to bed early. The walk down in the early morning is charming, through a broad, shaded alley Allée de Dante. I wonder why it is called that. I don't suppose the poet ever took warm baths or douches in any description of établissement.

We're in for knowledge; let's have it plain and straight. I should begin, I think, by abolishing the ideas of decency and indecency...." "Grundy would have fits!" I injected. "Grundy, Ponderevo, would have cold douches publicly if the sight was not too painful three times a day.... But I don't think, mind you, that I should let the sexes run about together. No. The fact behind the sexes is sex.

There are numerous inventors who, of their own accord, have noted these changes irregular pulse, in the case of Lagrange; congestion of the head, in Beethoven, who made use of cold douches to relieve it, etc. It is a safety-valve for the excessive flow of nervous impulse, and it is admitted that this method of expenditure is not useless for preserving the understanding in all its clearness.