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But look at her, Wallie," Martie said, as they came together to stand by the crib. "I don't like the way she's breathing " She looked eagerly at his face, but saw only her own disquiet reflected there. "Get the doctor," he said, tucking the blankets about the shabby little double-gown. "I'll keep her warm "

Benton, who, being a widower and an intimate friend of the family, was invited, as Lucy said, for the purpose of beauing grandma! Lizzie, in crimson double-gown, and soft, warm shawl, was reclining on the sofa in the parlor, the old doctor muttering about carelessness, heated rooms, late hours, etc.

What was little Ellen thinking of just then? Oh, those times gone by! when she had sat just so; her head pillowed on another as gentle breast; kind arms wrapped round her, just as now; the same little, old double-gown; the same weak, helpless feeling; the same committing herself to the strength and care of another; how much the same, and, oh! how much not the same! and Ellen knew both.

It should not be cut full, but rather like a gentleman's study-gown, having no gathers or plaits, but large enough to slip off and on with ease. A double-gown of calico is also very useful. Most articles of dress, for grown persons or children, require patterns.

The old double-gown with the middle button that did not match Martie had ironed only yesterday. She would not iron it again. The rag doll, and the strings of spools, and the shabby high-chair where Margar sat curling her little bare toes on summer mornings; these must vanish. The little feet were still. Gone! Gone, in an hour, all the dreaming and hoping.

The wind swept past her windows, giving wintry shakes to the panes of glass, and through many an opening in the wooden framework of the house it came in and saluted Ellen's bare arms and neck. She hurried to finish her dressing, and wrapping her double-gown over all, went down to the kitchen. It was another climate there.

She didn't want to take it, but he wouldn't take no for an answer; he was free-handed, the cap'n was. I helped 'em make it 'long of Mary Ann Simms the dressmaker, she's dead and gone too, the time it was made. It was brown, and a beautiful-looking piece, but it wore shiny, and she made a double-gown of it before she died." Mrs.

After a restless night, the sun woke her, morning after morning, glaring into her room at six. Wearily, languidly, she dressed the twisting and leaping Teddy, fastened little Margar, with her string of spools and her shabby double-gown, in the high-chair. The kitchen smelled of coffee, of grease; the whole neighbourhood smelled in the merciless heat of the summer day.

The old negress was better to-day, and attired in the warm double-gown which Mabel had purchased and 'Lena had made, she sat up in a large, comfortable rocking-chair which John Jr. had given her at the commencement of her illness, saying it was "his Christmas gift in advance." Going straight up to her, grandma laid the paper in her lap, bidding her "read it and thank the Lord."

Both men bent over the baby. "She seems all right again now," said Wallace in a sharp whisper, "but right after you left my God, I thought she would choke!" Martie watched the doctor's face, amazement and fright paralyzing every sense but sight. The old man's tender, clever hands rested for a moment on the little double-gown.