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The walls were white-washed, but the floors were very black, as all these southern floors are. Upon the single table a heap of raw wool waiting to be spun had been pushed back a little to make room for the doll's washing-basin and towel that had been placed there for me. Besides the bed that had been prepared for me, there was another, which happily was to remain unoccupied that night.

They brought an atmosphere of the Arabian Nights into the hard, modern civilization; their shops not always confined at that time to a Chinese quarter were replicas of the bazaars of Canton and Peking, with their quaint display of little dishes on which tidbits of food delicacies were exposed for sale, all of the dimensions and unreality of a doll's kitchen or a child's housekeeping.

"`I mean Nora in "The Doll's House," I replied. "At this he looked very much astonished, and I knew he was an Englishman; for Englishmen always think that Russians study nothing but `ukases. "`"The Doll's House"? he cried vehemently; `why, that is just where Ibsen was so wrong! Why, the whole aim of a house is to be a doll's house.

Yet she was not wholly assured that Tootsie was not hurt until the older girls had trailed the Pomeranian under the bed in one of the chambers. She had only been hurt in her feelings. The cats could not seem to calm down either, and Uncle Rufus had to hold one after the other while Dot removed what remained of the doll's clothes, in which she had decked out her favorites.

One afternoon, a few days afterwards, Whimple, dropping into Tommy Watson's store, found the auctioneer and "Chuck" Epstein gravely examining a doll's carriage and its occupant, a doll eminently respectable in mien and terrifically blue of eye. "Is this a new line, Tommy?" Whimple asked. "No it's 'Chuck's' purchase, he intends to present the outfit to a young lady."

Doll craned over the gunwale, his arms in the water. There was a swirl, a momentary glimpse of a stolid fish, face and heavy shoulders, and the boat righted itself. "Missed him, as I live!" gasped Doll. "Bring him in again." Hugh let out the slippery line, and drew it in again slowly, hand over hand. Doll's round head was over the side, his long legs spread adhesively in the bottom of the boat.

Once let me see my old brick house standing up quite little against the horizon, and I shall want to go back to it again. I shall see the funny little toy lamp-post painted green against the gate, and all the dear little people like dolls looking out of the window. For the windows really open in my doll's house. "`But why? I asked, `should you wish to return to that particular doll's house?

"Mother got me a new trunk for my Sawdust Doll's things." "Oh, I want to see it!" cried Mirabell, and she was in such a hurry that she let go of the string by which she had been by herself on the sidewalk for a little way, and finally rolled out toward the gutter. For once in her life Mirabell forgot all about her toy. pulling her Lamb. The Lamb rolled along

There was in Rachel's voice a restrained force that vaguely stirred all the occupants of the room. Every one looked at her, and for a moment no one spoke. She became quite colorless. "Very striking. Just what I should have said in her place," said Sybell to herself. "I will ask her again." "I can hear it raining," said Doll's voice from the head of the table to the company in general.

The little teacups and the low Turkish table were a perfect study to those who did not -like Fergus- think more of the dainty doll's muffins on the stand, or the long- backed Dachshund who looked for them beseechingly. Mrs.