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Gurnemanz forcibly disengages her, and, overpowered by the shock and weight of his pain, Parsifal sinks in a swoon. Tenderly at once both servants of the Grail care for him. Kundry hastens for water with which to wet his temples, and, as he revives, offers him drink. Gurnemanz is struck by the magnanimity of her action.

For manner of using, see farther on, under head of Accelerators. Bromides. A bromide treated with oil of vitriol, disengages chlorohyadic acid; but vapors of bromine are constantly disengaged, at the same time imparting a brown color to the gas. If the bromide be treated with a mixture of sulphuric acid, and peroxide of manganese, bromide is only disengaged.

If he disengages giving Light, to take a Counter on your Thrust, whether by Rispost or Time, you must make a Feint, and if he parrys with his Fort you must cut under in Seconde, if with his Feeble, you must disengage and push Quarte, if he takes the Time strait, you must lower the body, if he takes Time lowering his body, you must parry and push strait in Quarte, if he cuts in Flank, you must parry crossing the Sword in Quarte, and if he volts, you must parry and risposte in Flanconnade.

For it is a gale of wind that makes the sea look old. From a distance of years, looking at the remembered aspects of the storms lived through, it is that impression which disengages itself clearly from the great body of impressions left by many years of intimate contact. If you would know the age of the earth, look upon the sea in a storm.

At the commencement of this part of the service, one of the seamen stoops down, and disengages the flag from the remains of his late shipmate, while the others, at the words 'we commit his body to the deep, project the grating right into the sea. The body being loaded with shot at one end, glances off the grating, plunges at once into the ocean, and

Do you know of course you do, though that it becomes you to be angry? My charming cousin, I never knew until to-night how really handsome you were." She disengages herself with sudden abruptness from his clasp. "I am tired of dancing," she says. "I detest redowas.

Without wielding her sting in self-defence, the other disengages herself and merges unscathed from the angry encounter. Several times in succession I witness the attack; and nothing serious ever befalls the Wasp, who swiftly withdraws from the fray and appears to have received no hurt. She resumes her marching and countermarching no less boldly and swiftly than before.

The loose pieces are returned by the even numbers of the front rank; each even number of the front rank grasps his own piece with the left hand, the piece of his rear-rank man with his right hand, grasping both between the bands; each odd number of the front rank grasps his piece in the same way with the right hand, disengages it by raising the butt from the ground and then, turning the piece to the right, detaches it from the stack; each even number of the front rank disengages and detaches his piece by turning it to the left, and then passes the piece of his rear-rank man to him, and all resume the order.

If he disengages and comes to your Sword within, with his Fort, you must cut Quarte under the Wrist, and if with his Feeble, you must Counter-disengage from the Inside to the Outside. 5th. If he makes a Feint in order to return in Tierce, you must either parry or take the Time as I have said. 6th.

If he disengages giving Light, to take a Counter to your Thrust, whether by a Rispost or Time, you must make a False-time or Half-thrust, and if he parrys, or takes the Time, in Case of the first, you must baulk his Parade; and if he takes the Time, you must take another upon him.