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The former was fully aware of the importance of his discovery, but, being a cool man, he had not magnified the danger to himself.

Perhaps it is their finer perception which leads these tender-hearted women to recognize the divine right of social superiority so much more readily than we; and yet, much as Titbottom was enhanced in my wife's admiration by the discovery that his dusky sadness of nature and expression was, as it were, the expiring gleam and late twilight of ancestral splendors, I doubt if Mr.

In the first excitement of meeting his old partners, and in the later discovery of the forgery, Demorest had been diverted from his old sorrow, and for the time had forgotten it in sympathetic interest with the present.

When I reported my discovery to General Carr, he halted his regiment, and, after consulting a few minutes, ordered me to select a ravine, or as low ground as possible, so that the troops might be kept out of sight of the Indians until we could strike the creek. We went into camp on the Beaver.

Should the savans of Madrid hereafter embrace among the publications of valuable manuscripts these Relaciones, they should be careful not to be led into an error here, by the authority of a critic like Munoz whose criticism is rarely at fault. History of the Conquest of Peru by William Hickling Prescott Discovery of Peru

Sandy regarded it as a discovery, a revelation for the uplifting of a certain down-trodden portion of the community; and therefore, having saved a little money, had resolved to make it known in the States, where insight into probabilities is fresher. And now Andrew had a letter from him in which he mentioned that he had come across Mr.

It might now be richly productive, or a mere tropical wilderness. If productive, no evidence of any return since Captain Allen's death appeared. The winter passed without any apparent movement on the part of the executors looking to the discovery of Mrs. Allen's heirs.

Looking round me then, for a suitable spot on which to make my encampment, I experienced almost a shock of surprise, not unmingled with alarm, on making the discovery that I had forgotten to bring my fire-bag! To some people the serious nature of this may not at first be apparent.

It was working, unknown to him, now, toward the reconstruction he so needed. He turned restlessly, and muttered something about his foolishness. Claire came and sat beside him silently. She was wondering what would happen if she should tell him of her discovery of herself. "Claire!" Lawrence spoke.

But the result of the data in the text shews, that either the pilot was mistaken as to the real date of the discovery, or that his narrative has been corrupted, so that no reliance can be placed on his dates. The direction of Il Principe, or Princes Island, from St Thomas, is N. N. E. and the distance does not exceed seventy miles. Clarke.