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When a worker in the vineyard of music or the drama offers his choicest tokay to the public, that fickle coquette may turn to the more ordinary and less succulent concord. And the worker and the public itself know not why. It is true, Diotti's fame had preceded him, but fame has preceded others and has not always been proof against financial disaster.

To cut it off would destroy the others, and then pity, hope, love and joy would cease to exist in the soul of the violin." "How like life itself," Diotti reflected, "pity, hope, love, joy end in death, and through death they are born again." "That's the idea, precisely," said Satan, evidently relieved by Diotti's logic and quick perception.

"He isn't a bad sort for a violinist," mused the old man; "if he were worth a million, I believe I'd advise Wallace to let him marry her. A fiddler! A million! Sounds funny," and he laughed shrilly. He turned his head and his eyes caught sight of Diotti's violin case resting on the center table.

"It is my desire," and the girl led the unwilling parent back of the scenes and into Diotti's dressing-room. Mildred introduced Diotti to her father, who after a few commonplaces lapsed into silence. The daughter's enthusiastic interest in Diotti's performance and her tender solicitude for his weariness after the efforts of the evening, quickly attracted the attention of Mr.

The little dinner party passed off pleasantly, and as old Sanders lighted his cigar he confided to Diotti, with a braggart's assurance, that when he was a youngster he was the best fiddler for twenty miles around. "I tell you there is nothing like a fiddler to catch a petticoat," he said, with a sharp nudge of his elbow into Diotti's ribs.

When the violinist appeared for his solo, he quietly acknowledged the cordial reception of the audience, and immediately proceeded with the business of the evening. At a slight nod from him the conductor rapped attention, then launched the orchestra into the introduction of the concerto, Diotti's favorite, selected for the first number.