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Passing by Simon Turchi, she said cheerfully: "God be praised, Signor Turchi, that your health is so soon restored! I am happy to see you here this evening. I am sincerely grateful to you, signor, for the friendship you manifest to the nephew of Signor Deodati. You have a good and generous heart, and I thank God for having given so devoted a friend to Geronimo and his uncle!"

"It is impossible to make any impression upon her," said the duenna, in a disappointed manner, and as if she were resolved to cease her efforts and to abandon the young girl to her grief. The silence was broken by the sound of voices in the hall. "I hear the voice of the Signor Deodati," said the duenna; "perhaps he brings tidings."

I shall put an end to my guilty life. In an hour I shall be in eternal torments, but I wish the body of my victim to be buried in holy ground. Go to your pavilion. In the lowest cellar, at the extremity of the subterranean passage, you will find the corpse of Signor Geronimo buried." Tears fell fast from the eyes of Signor Deodati, and sobs convulsed his frame.

Keep my secret even from your father; remember that the least indiscretion might cause the ruin of an honorable merchant." "Make haste, Geronimo; Mary, prepare for a drive," exclaimed Mr. Van de Werve, as he entered the hall. "Signor Deodati has arrived; the Il Salvatore is in sight. Don Pezoa has just sent me information to that effect, and he has placed his gondola and boatmen at our service.

WALLENSTEIN. Isolani! TERZKY. Him thou hast sent away. Yes, surely. TERZKY. No? Hast thou not sent him off? Nor Deodati? They are vanished, both of them. To them enter ILLO. ILLO. Has Terzky told thee? TERZKY. He knows all. ILLO. And likewise That Esterhatzy, Goetz, Maradas, Kaunitz, Kolatto, Palfi, have forsaken thee. TERZKY. Damnation! Hush! Terzky! Heaven! What is it? What has happened?

As soon as Mary's eye fell on the old man, and she read in his face the sorrow of his soul, she uttered a stifled cry of anguish. She cast her arms around his neck, and rested her head on his shoulder. The Signor Deodati, deeply moved, seated her by his side, and said, with tender compassion: "My poor Mary, we have no tidings yet of our Geronimo. Are we not unhappy?

The latter said, hurriedly: "I went to the house of the bailiff; he was not at home. He has been sent for, and he will be here immediately with his officers to accompany me to my garden. Oh! I have terrible news to communicate; but my mind wanders, I am losing my senses. I can tell nothing, particularly to you, Signor Deodati. Unhappy old man! Why did God reserve such a trial for your old age?"

Signor Deodati seated himself by her as she desired, and as the gondola returned to the city, the old man said, in surprise: "But you speak Italian like a native of Lucca. How soft and musical my native tongue sounds from your lips!" "There is my teacher," said Mary, pointing to Geronimo. "That is not true, my uncle. Her modesty causes her to mislead you.

The command was promptly obeyed, and Turchi, in spite of his resistance, was dragged from the room followed by the bailiff. Mary and Geronimo wept with joy. Deodati claimed their attention saying: "My dear children, let us fulfil a sacred duty of gratitude. God has so visibly protected innocence that the feeling of His presence in our midst overpowers me. Your hopes will become a reality.