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"How " She got no further on the query, for the other woman interrupted in a tone of scandal. "Mary Ann Demilt! How can you talk like that! Your father's been dead this five year last August!" The horror of the moment was broken by the appearance of Miss Mattie, crying hospitably on seeing the visitors, "Why, Mary and Pauline! How do you do?"

Foot of the table is Miss Mattie Saunders, next to her just as they run Miss Pauline Doolittle and Miss Mary Ann Demilt, who may be kin to the gentleman you're seeking." "Mr. Thomas F. Demilt?" asked the stranger. "He's my sister," responded Miss Mary Ann. Whereat the youths buried their faces in the plates, as Mr.

Demilt had some money he wished to put into the enterprise, but his most valuable assistance was, of course, his thorough knowledge of the resources of the country. They found an admirable site for the mill, in an old stone barn, which had stood the ravages of desolation almost unimpaired.

"I saw you all eating in here and you looked so jolly, that I thought I'd stop, on the chance you might be the man I was looking for; now I'll go right on and see Mr. Demilt and find out what he wants to do in the matter." "Wait for the waggon and you can ride," said Red.

The crowd cheered as the imprisoned waters leapt to freedom with a hollow roar, raising in pitch as the penstock filled and the wheels began to go round. Speech was called for, and the vigorously protesting Red forced to the front by his former friends, Demilt and Lettis. Thus betrayed by those he trusted, Red made the best of it. "Ladies and gentlemen, fellow citizens!" said he.

Demilt had written to his firm explaining the advantages of starting a straw-board factory in Fairfield. It was too small a thing for the firm to be interested in, but Lettis had a small capital which he wished to invest in an enterprise of his own handling, and it had struck him that there might be a chance for independence; therefore he had come to find out the lay of the land.

She did not add, as extreme candour would have urged, "And I have some hope remote, alas! but there of becoming sister to Miss Demilt myself." "Thank you!" said Lettis. "Shall I be able to see him this afternoon?" "Oh, mercy, yes!" said Miss Mary Ann. "Tom is home all day." "I can thank the kind fates for that," said Lettis.

Thomas F., in spite of many excellent qualities, bore a pathetic resemblance to the title. "I mean," continued the lady hurriedly, "that I'm his brother." "By Jimmy, ma'am!" exclaimed Red. "But yours is a strange family!" "What Miss Demilt wishes to say," cut in Miss Doolittle with some asperity, "is that Mr. Thomas Faulkenstone Demilt is her brother."