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And also I pride myself on knowing Human Nature, being seldom decieved as to whether a gentleman or not. I gave him a steady glance, and saw that he was one. I then merely said to him that I hoped he intended to enlist, because I felt that I could at least do this much for my Native Land. "I have already done so," he said, and sat down beside me.

I hated her for it. True, he had decieved me. He was not as I had thought him. In our to conversations he had not mentioned his wife, leaveing me to beleive him free to love "where he listed," as the poet says. "There are a few clues," said Mr. Patten. "He got out by means of a wire hairpin, for one thing.

If I had not decieved Jane things would be better. But she was set on my sending the note. So at last I wrote one on my visiting card, holding it so she could not read it. Jane is my best friend and I am devoted to her, but she has no scruples about reading what is not meant for her. I said: "Dear Mr. Egleston: I think the Play is perfectly wonderfull. And you are perfectly splendid in it.

And to a heart broken while trying to help another who did not deserve to be helped. But if he decieved me, he has paid for it, and did until he was rescued at ten o'clock tonight. I have been given a sleeping medacine, and until it takes affect I shall write out the tradgedy of this day, omiting nothing. The trained nurse is asleep on a cot, and her cap is hanging on the foot of the bed.

Well, they fell on the muffins like pigs, and I could hardly stand it. So I wandered into the den, and it occurred to me to write the letter then. I felt that they all expected me to do something anyhow. If I had never written the wretched letter things would be better now. As I say, I overdid. But everything had gone so smoothly all day that I was decieved.

He has an ill habit of prophesying, and goes on, though still decieved. The art of prophesying does not suit Mr. Cobbett's style. He has a knack of fixing names and times and places. According to him, the Reformed Parliament was to meet in March 1818 it did not, and we heard no more of the matter.

Dear Dairy, he decieved me, and that is one thing I cannot forgive. So now I sit here among my pillows, while the nurse sleeps, and I reflect about many Things. But one speach rings in my ears over and over. Carter Brooks, on learning about Switzerland, said it in a strange maner, looking at me with inscrutible eyes. "Switzerland! Why, Bab I don't want you to go so far away."