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The next day, at dawn's early light, he was led into the presence of this fine prince.

"This is my granddaughter Dawn's, and this one is empty, and this one is took by a young party for the winter," said the old dame. I selected the middle room, as it gave promise of being companionable with those on either hand occupied, and its window commanded an attractive view.

As though the mention of Sleeping Dawn's name had reached him by some process of telepathy, Tom Morse had come out and stood in the door of the store. The trooper wheeled to him. "Get me a dog-team, Tom. That fellow West has got Jessie McRae with him on Cache Creek. We've got to move quick." The storekeeper felt as though the bottom had dropped out of his heart.

'Mulvaney, the dawn's risin', said Ortheris, 'an' we're no nearer 'ome than we was at the beginnin'. Lend me your pouch. Mine's all dust. Mulvaney pitched his pouch over, and filled his pipe afresh.

'If a merchantman could see a man-of-war, it was justly enough said, 'a man-of-war ought certainly to see a merchantman. Her look-outs must have all been asleep, or it would not have been possible for us to pass so near, under the canvass we carried, and escape undiscovered. Most of the Dawn's crew were native Americans, though there were four or five Europeans among them.

I had once felt as she did, but now I could see the cruel train of conditions behind certain characters forcing them into different positions, and in place of Dawn's wholesome, justifiable, hot-headed rage against the likes of Rooney-hyphen, I felt for him a contempt so immeasurable that it almost toppled over and became pity.

Finally, his mind in a daze, the convict clambered, after repeated efforts, upon the wreckage, fastened the line about him again, and, falling into a saucer-like hollow, he sank into unconsciousness. The night wore on; he did not move. The sea began to subside; still he lay as if dead. Dawn's rosy lips kissed away the black shadows, touched tenderly the waves' tops, and at length the man stirred.

Below the horizon that colossal white lamp was the sun, which dragged itself along without strength, before taking its leisurely ascent, which began in the dawn's eye above the ocean. On this day, the usual rosy tints were not seen; all remained pale and mournful. On board the gray ship, Yann wept alone.

The sun, which showed first as a ghost-like disc of polished aluminum, struggled through orange and vermilion into a sphere of living flame. It was as though the Creator were breathing on a formless void to kindle it into a vital and splendid cosmos, and between the dawn's fog and the radiance of full day lay a dozen miracles.

In star-draped casket, slowly borne, A treasure not of earth was found. Like dew upon a flower sleeping Or fairest hue of sunset skies A jewel in the master's keeping A radiant pearl of greatest price. Like amber-tinted clouds of May By many vagrant breezes driven; That frail form swiftly passed away To melt and fade in dawn's fair heaven.