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"They make the living God will let them, I suppose, as other people do." Mr. Purcey gave him a sharp look. It was almost as if Dallison had meant to snub him. "Oh, exactly! I should think this girl would have no difficulty." And suddenly he saw a curious change come over "that writing fellow," as he always afterwards described Hilary.

Anxious to behold this prodigious illumination at its best, Leonard Holt committed the replenishing of the pile and the custody of the house to Dallison, and hastened to Saint Paul's.

Bloundel, who was still not without apprehension of some further attempt on the part of the earl, sent Dallison to make inquiries after him, and learnt that he was at Whitehall, but that the court had fixed to remove to Hampton Court at the end of June.

She moved a little sideways, and became merged in another group. Her father's lips continued moving. He had resumed the patient attitude which so slightly suggested mules. A voice behind her said: "I do think your father is such an interesting man, Mrs. Dallison."

Taking out his pipe, he filled it with tobacco, slowly pressing the golden threads down into the bowl with his little finger. If has been said that Stephen Dallison, when unable to get his golf on Saturdays, went to his club, and read reviews.

Stone's reception of that news had still further confirmed his original views. When all the guests were gone with the exception of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Dallison and Miss Dallison, "that awfully pretty girl," and the young man "who was always hangin' about her" he had approached his hostess for some quiet talk.

"What do you really think, Uncle Hilary?" Turning at his writing-table to look at the face of his young niece, Hilary Dallison answered: "My dear, we have had the same state of affairs since the beginning of the world. There is no chemical process; so far as my knowledge goes, that does not make waste products. What your grandfather calls our 'shadows' are the waste products of the social process.

As usual, they were very little ones; as usual, she seemed helpless, and suggested a child with a sore finger. She had no other work; she owed the week's rent; she did not know what would happen to her; Mrs. Dallison did not want her any more; she could not tell what she had done! The picture was finished, she knew, but Mrs. Dallison had said she was going to paint her again in another picture....

Hilary saw a tear roll down her cheek. He turned his head away, and said: "Don't cry, my child!" Quite obediently the little model swallowed the tear. A thought seemed to strike her: "But I could see you, Mr. Dallison, couldn't I, sometimes?" Seeing from his face that this was not in the programme, she stood silent again, looking up at him.

"In the F.H.M.P., of course, I see a lot of young girls placed in delicate positions, just on the borders, don't you know? You should really join the F.H.M.P., Mrs. Dallison. It's a first-rate thing most absorbing work." The doubting deepened in Cecilia's eyes. "Oh, it must be!" she said. "I've so little time." Mrs. Tallents Smallpeace went on at once.