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D'Anville was ignorant of the fate of his fleet; but he knew that the two ships which had reached Chibucto with him were full of sick men, that their provisions were nearly spent, and that there was every reason to believe such of the fleet as the storm might have spared to be in no better case.

Governor Shirley knew it would be the first town attacked." "And a real Armada!" said Warren, big-eyed. "They didn't call it that exactly. Perhaps they thought the name unlucky. But there were twenty transports and thirty-four frigates and eleven ships of the line. Quite a formidable array, you must admit. The Duc d'Anville left Brest with five battalions of veterans." "And then what happened?

"They say, that fool Pelham makes up to her." "I should not imagine that was true," said the secretary; "he is so occupied with Madame D'Anville." "Pooh!" said Aberton, dictatorially, "she never had any thing to say to him." "Why are you so sure?" said Mr. Howard de Howard. "Why? because he never showed any notes from her, or ever even said he had a liaison with her himself!"

I put my hand into my pocket, my purse was gone; and, on searching the other, lo my handkerchief, my pocket-book, and a gold bracelet, which had belonged to Madame D'Anville, had vanished too. One does not keep company with men of two virtues, and receive compliments upon one's common sense for nothing! The beggar still continued to importune me.

Some weeks later the Governor and Intendant of Canada wrote that on the 14th of October they received a letter from Chibucto with "the agreeable news" that the Duc d'Anville and his fleet had arrived there about three weeks before. Had they known more, they would have rejoiced less.

The Duchess had obstructed as much as she could the marriage of the Dauphin with the Queen of Scotland; the beauty and forward wit of that young Queen, and the credit which her marriage gave to Messieurs de Guise, were insupportable to her; she in particular hated the Cardinal of Loraine, who had spoken to her with severity, and even with contempt; she was sensible he took the party of the Queen, so that the Constable found her very well disposed to unite her interests with his and to enter into alliance with him, by marrying her granddaughter Madam de la Marke with Monsieur d'Anville, his second son, who succeeded him in his employment under the reign of Charles the Ninth.

One of the noblest fleets that ever sailed from the shores of France left Rochelle in 1746 for Cape Breton, under the command of M. de la Rochefoucauld, the Duke d'Anville, an able, sensitive man, who, however, had had no naval experience.

Crossing from Corunna to Ferrol, over a shallow, near the White Signal, in the bay, which according to D'Anville is the Portus Magnus of the ancients, we made several experiments by means of a valved thermometrical sounding lead, on the temperature of the ocean, and on the decrement of caloric in the successive strata of water.

I was satisfied that I was mistaken in my first thought; the hair was of a completely different colour. "No, no," said I, "it is not he: yet how like." I was distrait and absent during the whole time I was with Madame D'Anville.

At that moment Bedos entered, and whispered that Madame D'Anville was in the anti-room. "Good heavens!" said I, knowing her jealousy of disposition, "what is to be done? Oblige me, Madame," seizing the unfortunate mistress of the hotel, and opening the door to the back entrance "There," said I, "you can easily escape. Bon jour."