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Whether they were above my uncle Toby's reason or contrary to it or that his brain was like damp timber, and no spark could possibly take hold or that it was so full of saps, mines, blinds, curtins, and such military disqualifications to his seeing clearly into Prignitz and Scroderus's doctrines I say not let schoolmen scullions, anatomists, and engineers, fight for it among themselves

The rich haue their chambers all hanged with silken Curtins, or els with cotton linnen: Their houses are most placed vnder Cocus trees, whereof the towne is full: Without the walles are many houses, wherein strangers for the most part haue their dwellinges.

I'll be sure to keep my word, as you will see before long, so have no welcome for the Curtins, and, above all, let no one work for them in any way. As you respect the Captain, and as you value your own life, abide by this notice. Signed, 'A MOONLIGHTER. "The above notice was written on tea paper in large legible style, and evidently by an intelligent person.

Only two families in Kerry, possibly in Munster, at Christmas 1885, had the courage to resist the National League police, commonly called moonlighters. These two were the Curtins and the Doyles.

The Curtins had to be under constant police protection, were insulted wherever they went, and their murdered father was openly called 'the murderer. As for the Doyles, the Board of Guardians was urged to harass his unfortunate children, who were both deaf and dumb. The same Board of Guardians was most lavish in its relief to any man evicted for declining to pay his rent.

But whatever I or you may think of it, or ultimately determine, every eye must see with what giant steps it is striding onward temples, religions, superstitions, and powers crumbling and dissolving at its approach. Farewell. Letter VIII. The words of that Christian recluse, my Curtins, still ring in my ear.

You're one of them that can't live alone without starvin' somehow, so I'm jest goin' to turn you in among them children to paster, so to speak. That's wholesome and fillin' for you, and goodness knows it will be a puffect charity to me, for I'm goin' to be dreadful drove with gettin' up curtins and all manner of things, as spring comes on.

Slop, the curtins my brother Shandy mentions here, have nothing to do with beadsteads; tho', I know Du Cange says, 'That bed-curtains, in all probability, have taken their name from them; nor have the horn-works he speaks of, any thing in the world to do with the horn-works of cuckoldom: But the Curtin, Sir, is the word we use in fortification, for that part of the wall or rampart which lies between the two bastions and joins them Besiegers seldom offer to carry on their attacks directly against the curtin, for this reason, because they are so well flanked.

Slop's sudden coming, and a discourse upon fortification; yet I fear'd it. Talk of what we will, brother, or let the occasion be never so foreign or unfit for the subject, you are sure to bring it in. I would not, brother Toby, continued my father, I declare I would not have my head so full of curtins and horn-works. That I dare say you would not, quoth Dr.

On Monday, the 1st of February 1886, the Irish Times published the following story from Tralee, near the scene of the "boycotting," temporal and spiritual, of the unfortunate daughters of Mr. Jeremiah Curtin, murdered in his own house by "moonlighters": "TRALEE, Sunday. "It was stated that the bishop had ordered Mass to be celebrated for them the Curtins but this did not take place.