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Oh, Crocket! Bowie! can I do better than follow thy example, and give my life in this true cause?" An untimely death the separation and misery of his darling family, weighed not an atom! "Patria infelici fidelis!" was ever his motto, and unfaltering was his own step. There came a messenger from headquarters "Abandon Goliad, and retreat!" "Colonel, you will not sound a retreat?" and Dr.

He has caught by the upright stone work." "Where? where? Show me!" cried Wildschloss, grasping Ebbo's arm. "There! clinging to that upright bit of tracery, stretching his foot out to yonder crocket." "I cannot see. Mine eyes swim and dazzle," said Wildschloss. "Merciful heavens! is this another tempting of Providence? How is it with him now, Ebbo?"

But when Justice shall write the names of true heroes upon the immortal scroll, she will write the names of Leonidas, Buoy, Davy Crocket, Daniel Boone, Nathan Hale, Wolf, Napoleon, Smalls, Cushing, Lawrence, John Brown, Nat Turner, and then far above them all, in letters that shall shine as the brightness of the firmanent, the name of DAN WRIGHT.

He had thought it no disgrace to apply himself to the second half of an apple pie, and had professed himself to be an ardent admirer of Devonshire cream. "It's them counter-skippers as turns up their little noses at the victuals as is set before them," said Mrs. Crocket. After his dinner Mr. Glascock had returned to the Clock House, and had been sitting there for an hour with Mrs.

Trevelyan himself could have taken the slightest exception, the visit, futile as it was, could not but do an enormous deal of harm. Mrs. Crocket had already guessed that the fine gentleman down from London was the lover of the married lady at the Clock House, who was separated from her husband.

Crocket, having strongly but fruitlessly advised that the Clock House should be inhabited at any rate for the six months, promised her assistance. "It has been a bad business, Mrs. Crocket," said Priscilla; "and all we can do now is to get out of it as well as we can. Every mouthful I eat chokes me while I stay there."

Glascock had declared that he would take a walk, and in the course of the afternoon had expressed high approval of Mrs. Crocket's culinary skill. When Mrs. Crocket heard that she had entertained the son of a lord, she was very loud in her praise of the manner in which he had eaten two mutton chops and called for a third.

Here are the waves of the Adriatic round a knight of Tarentum, and there is no doubt of their variableness. Of such lambent ornament, the most important piece is the crocket, of which I rapidly set before you the origin.

"You be'ant Muster Trevelyan, be you?" said Mrs. Crocket, looking at him very hard. "No, I'm not Mr. Trevelyan." "Nor yet 'the Colonel' they doo be talking about?" "Well, yes, I am a colonel. I don't know why anybody should talk about me. I'll just step out now, however, and see my friends." "It's madam's lover," said Mrs. Crocket to herself, "as sure as eggs is eggs."

He had met Hugh, as the reader may perhaps remember, and had had some intercourse with the young man, which had not been quite agreeable to him, on the platform of the railway station at Exeter. And he had also heard something of the ladies at Nuncombe Putney during his short sojourn at the house of Mrs. Crocket. "My belief is, they are beggars," said Colonel Osborne.