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Leda Crannon knew perfectly well what effect the throb might have on Snookums' brain, and when something cracked, she wanted to see what effect it might have on the behavior of the little robot. Like a hound after a fox, she followed him through the corridors of the ship.

The last passenger aboard was Snookums, although, in a more proper sense, he had always been aboard. The little robot rolled up to the elevator on his treads and was lifted into the body of the ship. Miss Crannon was waiting for him at the air lock, and Mike the Angel was standing by.

Of course, that might simply be her method of avoiding Mike the Angel, but Mike didn't quite believe that. "Come along to your room, dear," said Leda. Then she looked again at Mike. "If you'll wait just a moment, Commander," she said rather stiffly, "I'd like to talk to you." Mike the Angel touched his forehead in a gentlemanly salute. "Later, perhaps, Miss Crannon.

"What the hell do you suppose was eating him?" he asked quietly. "How's your shoulder?" Mike asked. "Hurts like the devil, but I don't think it's busted. But why did he do it?" he repeated. "Sounds to me," said Keku dryly, "that he was nutty jealous of you. He didn't like the times you took Leda Crannon to the base movies while we were at Chilblains."

"Why not wait until you got back to Earth, where he'd have a better chance?" "I think he was afraid I already knew who he was or would find out very quickly. Besides, he had already tried to kill me once, back on Earth." Leda Crannon looked blank. "When was that, Mike?" "In New York. Before I ever met him. I was responsible for the arrest of a teen-age brother and sister named Larchmont.

"But it is possible to test the theories of astrophysics analogically by extrapolating on data that can be tested in a physics lab. "What I'm talking about is a system that Snookums, simply because he is what he is, cannot test or experiment upon, in any way whatsoever. A system that has, in short, no connection with the physical world whatsoever." Leda Crannon thought it over.

Put him in irons until we are ready to transfer to the Fireball. Thank you." Leda Crannon helped Mike pack his gear. Neither of them wanted, just yet, to bring up the subject of Mike's leaving. Leda would remain behind on Eisberg to work with Snookums, while Mike would be taking the Fireball back to Earth.

Not that he had any particular interest in watching Snookums come aboard, but he did have a definite interest in Leda Crannon. "Hello, honey," said Miss Crannon as Snookums rolled into the air lock. "Ready for your ride?" "Yes, Leda," said Snookums in his contralto voice. He rolled up to her and took her hand. "Where is my room?" "Come along; I'll show you in a minute.

Not just at the regular operating meters, but also at the meters in the testing equipment that the power crew had jack-plugged in. Mike the Angel looked around as he heard the soft purring of the caterpillar treads. His glance took in both Snookums and Leda Crannon, who was still gasping at the door.

Each one of them was wearing a brassard labeled SECURITY POLICE. At least, thought Mike the Angel as he turned to look them over, the brassards aren't in all lower-case italics. One of them jerked a thumb at Mike. "This the guy, Miss Crannon?" The girl nodded. "That's him. He saw Snookums. Take care of him." She looked again at Mike. "I'm terribly sorry, really I am. But there's no help for it."