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He comes in smilin' and chirky, though, slaps me chummy on the shoulder, and remarks cordial: "Well, my trusty coworker in well doing, I have come to report progress." "Shoot it, then," says I, settlin' back in my chair. "You will be surprised," he goes on, "to learn who is first to benefit by my vicarious philanthropy." "Your which?" says I.

He was determined that she should have it, whether the fifth traps and the fifth deadfalls and fifth poison baits caught the fur or not. The partnership meant nothing so far as the actual returns were concerned. But in another way it meant to Nepeese a business interest, the thrill of personal achievement. Pierrot impressed on her that it made a comrade and coworker of her on the trail.

She thought only that the present shadow on his face must be caused by the same thing that brought worry to her own heart the manifest devotion of Calderwell to Alice Greggory just now across the room. Instinctively, therefore, as to a coworker in a common cause, she turned a disturbed face to the man at her side.

James Redpath, already interested in the scheme of colonization in Hayti, had preceded Holly there and with the latter as his coworker succeeded in sending to that country as many as two thousand emigrants, the first of whom sailed from this country in 1861.

Then I would tell Root or Taft to find out and tell me why what I had done was legal and justified. Well done, coworker." Is it any wonder that Theodore Roosevelt had made in that moment another ardent supporter? Those first years in the political arena were not only a fighting time, they were a formative time.

E. A. W. Krauss remarks: "Muhlenberg continued faithful in things both small and great, even after he had received assistance from Germany, and one coworker after another began to labor at his side. Before long his activity had exceeded the sphere of his three congregations. On request he visited the scattered Lutherans in Germantown, Tulpehocken, Lancaster, York, Raritan, Frederick.

His splendid powers and his qualities do not need to be changed. Merely his motives and thereby his methods, and he is changed into a giant engine of righteousness. He is a part of the great world force and plan. He is doing his part in the great world work he is a coworker with God. And here lies salvation.

For 12 years Chief Magistrate of Districts in the south of India before reform, by assassination and otherwise, became so fashionable. P.S. Let us get the case in this way. Babu Janakdhari Prasad was a staunch coworker with me in Champaran.

Muller's long experience as a coworker with God. He felt himself not only the steward of a celestial Master, but the trustee of human gifts, and hence he sought to "provide things honest in the sight of all men."

Water-polo holds are a good deal a matter of individuality; each man builds up a set of his own, but one tackle and one break will serve as a foundation for all. To learn the tackle, give your coworker the ball and let him come toward you.