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A spiral or other spring, O, is compressed between a color on the rod and an adjustable fixed nut, by which the tension of the spring is regulated so that the pressure of water on the diaphragm, A, when the torpedo is at the desired depth just counterbalances the pressure of the spring, the diaphragm being then flush with the outer casing.

And thirdly, if the sensorial power continues the same in respect to quantity, and the stimulus be somewhat diminished, as in going into a darkish room, or into a coldish bath, suppose of about eighty degrees of heat, as Buxton-bath, a temporary weakness of the affected fibres is induced, till an accumulation of sensorial power gradually succeeds, and counterbalances the deficiency of stimulus, and then the bath ceases to feel cold, and the room ceases to appear dark; because the fibres of the subcutaneous vessels, or of the organs of sense, act with their usual energy.

The balancing pistons, D, E, and F, the pressure upon which counterbalances the axial thrust upon the three-bladed stages, are grooved, the brass dummy rings G G in the cylinder being alined within a few thousandths of an inch of the grooved walls, as indicated.

Drunken, depraved, or feeble-minded parents usually produce children with the same inheritances or tendencies; family quarrelling and an utter absence of moral training do not foster the development of character. A slum environment in the city strengthens the evil tendencies of such a home, as it counterbalances the good effects of a wholesome home environment.

The lack of these underlying muliebral qualities more than counterbalances to not a few Europeans the undoubted vivacity, originality, and freshness of the American woman. She is a dainty bit of porcelain, unsuited for use; a delicate exotic blossom, for drawing-room decoration, where many would prefer robust fruit-bearing faculties.

"Very good; but how is it that these ponderous waves, coming down upon you, do not crush you to atoms by their mere weight?" "Well, I suppose that liquids do not operate in the same way as solids: perhaps there is something in our bodies that counterbalances the effect of the water." "Very likely; and if such be the case as regards water, may it not be so also as regards air?"

Though this is probably a maximum rather than an average, nevertheless the members are mostly young men whose revolutionary ardor counterbalances their want in numbers. It is, moreover, an organization that has a wide penumbra. It readily attracts the discontented, the unemployed, the man without a horizon. In an instant it can lay a fire and put an entire police force on the qui vive.

It is indeed, fearful, timorous souls, upon whom the terrors of another life make a profound impression; human beings of this sort come into the world with moderate passions, are of a weakly organization, possess a cool imagination; it is not therefore surprising, that in such men, who are already restrained by their nature, the fear of future punishment counterbalances the weak efforts of their feeble passions; but it is by no means the same with those determined sinners, with those hardened criminals, with those men who are habitually vicious, whose unseemly excesses nothing can arrest, who in their violence shut their eyes to the fear of the laws of this world, despising still more those of the other.