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That, of course, is done 'while you wait. Beyond that there was the purchase of a good second-hand uniform, fur coat, and a beard and a wig from a costumier's. "No, no, the execution was not difficult; it was the planning of it all, the daring that was so fine. Schwarz, of course, was a foreigner; he had only been in England a little over a fortnight.

What if he took it off, and henceforth Winifred found him ugly? Does not the safety of many of us lie merely in dressing up? Do we not buy our fate at the costumier's? "Just tell me one thing," Winifred went on. "Are you natural?" "Natural?" he hesitated. "Yes; I think you must be. You've got a whimsical nature." "I suppose so."

At the costumier's, in a fascinating welter of tarnished and shabby garments, she selected a suitable dress, and Wallace coached her, made up her face, and prompted her with great pride. So the tiny part went well, and one of the papers gave a praising line to "Junoesque Miss Salisbury." These were happy days.

In answer to an advertisement I saw in one of the daily papers, I called on a Miss Jane Vernelt Mademoiselle Vernelt she called herself who ran a costumier's business in George Street, in the very building, in fact now occupied by the chemist you have mentioned. The business was for sale, and Miss Vernelt wanted a big sum for it.

In five minutes a dozen turnings intervened between me and the costumier's shop. No one appeared to notice me very pointedly. My last difficulty seemed overcome." He stopped again. "And you troubled no more about the hunchback?" said Kemp. "No," said the Invisible Man. "Nor have I heard what became of him. I suppose he untied himself or kicked himself out. The knots were pretty tight."

"Not at the costumier's or the cleaner's so soon. But, all this horrid flippancy aside, do you really think I should have talked like this, or been so exigent about the cloak, if I hadn't known everything; if I hadn't been to see Al'mah, and spent an hour with her and knew that she was recovering from that dreadful shock very quickly?

From the barber's, Johnny went to Stinchcombe's, the costumier's, in Drury Lane. "I am playing in a burlesque," explained the Babe. "I want you to rig me out completely as a modern girl." "Peeth o' luck!" said the shopman. "Goth the very bundle for you. Juth come in." "I shall want everything," explained the Babe, "from the boots to the hat; stays, petticoats the whole bag of tricks."

She knew intimately the window contents of every costumier's shop in Grafton and Wicklow and Dawson streets, and could follow with intelligent amazement the apparently trifling, but exceedingly important, differences of line or seam or flounce which ranked one garment as a creation and its neighbor as a dress.