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She blushed appropriately, said some sentimental things about hoping their friendship would not be affected by the change, told him how much she had enjoyed their correspondence, but gave him to understand that it had been mere friendship of course from her point of view, and Harry indulgently allowed her to think that he had hoped for more and was grieved but consolable over the outcome.

'Adder conveyed the information of her husband's flight to the consolable Amy, said Mrs. Lawrence. 'He had to catch the coach for Dover, Adderwood explained. 'His wife was at a dinner-party. I saw her at midnight. 'Fair Amy was not so very greatly surprised? 'Quite the soldier's wife! 'She said she was used to these little catastrophes. But, Adder, what did she say of her husband?

But if sorrow it was that thus affected the spirits of the warrior, as it seemed to have done on several previous occasions, it proved to be as easily consolable as before, as the event showed; for having finished his lamentations, and left the rock, he advanced towards Roland, whom he threatened for the third time with his knife; when one of the younger Indians muttering a few words of remonstrance, and pointing at the same time to the keg of fire-water on the horse's back, his grief and rage expired together in a haw-haw, ten times more obstreperous and joyous than any he had indulged before.

'Adder conveyed the information of her husband's flight to the consolable Amy, said Mrs. Lawrence. 'He had to catch the coach for Dover, Adderwood explained. 'His wife was at a dinner-party. I saw her at midnight. 'Fair Amy was not so very greatly surprised? 'Quite the soldier's wife! 'She said she was used to these little catastrophes. But, Adder, what did she say of her husband?

But this seems to me a misunderstanding of the spirit of this generation. Why are young men quoted as "scarce" in other resorts swarming with sweet girls, maidens who have learned the art of being agreeable, and interesting widows in the vanishing shades of an attractive and consolable grief? No.

Our notary, I feel sure, will be proud to have a famous man for his son-in-law. So just feel yourself all over. You will pay your debts, you will have twelve thousand francs a year, and be a father without any trouble on your part; what do you say to that to the good? And, after all, you only marry a very consolable widow.

She was crimson with shame and indignation. 'Your husband this morning! Mine to-night! What do you take him for? 'A man! smiled Cynthia. 'And therefore, if you won't let me call him changeable, I'll coin a word and call him consolable! But Molly gave her back no answering smile. At this moment, the servant Maria entered the consulting-room, where the two girls were. She had a scared look.

Our notary, I feel sure, will be proud to have a famous man for his son-in-law. So just feel yourself all over. You will pay your debts, you will have twelve thousand francs a year, and be a father without any trouble on your part; what do you say to that to the good? And, after all, you only marry a very consolable widow.

There was a great lump of orange color half melted up in the watery clouds of the west, but all was dreary and scarce consolable, up to the clear spaces above, stung with the steely stars that began to peep out of the blue hope of heaven.

Then the primeval Prince Montevarchi came to a violent end at the hands of his librarian, leaving his English princess consolable but unconsoled, leaving also his daughter Flavia married to that other Giovanni Saracinesca who still bears the name of Marchese di San Giacinto; while the younger girl, the fair, brown-eyed Faustina, loved a poor Frenchman, half soldier and all artist.