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'He's foaming again! said the colonel, and was only ultra-pictorial. 'Before breakfast! was a further slur on Beauchamp. Mr. Romfrey was elevated by the extraordinary comicality of the notion of the proposed apology to heights of humour beyond laughter, whence we see the unbounded capacity of the general man for folly, and rather commiserate than deride him. He was quite untroubled.

"If you go with him here or there," said my guardian plainly, "you must not let him pay for both." "My dear Jarndyce," returned Mr. Skimpole, his genial face irradiated by the comicality of this idea, "what am I to do? If he takes me anywhere, I must go. And how can I pay? I never have any money. If I had any money, I don't know anything about it. Suppose I say to a man, how much?

But the story lends a character of comicality to the stone; and the passer-by will sometimes chuckle to himself. The district is dear to the superstitious.

Every English word he spoke was supplemented by an Italian vowel, so that his language, though it was perfectly fluent and correct, sounded quite foreign. His extraordinary height and leanness made him grotesque to look at, but neither the comicality of his figure nor his theatrical voice and gesture could kill the fact that he was in earnest, and I felt an immediate liking for him.

Of the ingredients and salutary influence of this Punch an institution and power of the age, no more to be overlooked among the forces of the nineteenth century than is the steam-engine or the magnetic telegraph we propose to speak; not, however, because of the comicality of the theme; for the fun that surrounds, permeates, and saturates it would hardly move us to discourse of it here, if it had not higher claims to attention.

"It's very strange when one thinks it all over, and there's a grand comicality in it that I should like to bring out. She's a very nice woman, extraordinarily well-behaved, upright and clever and with a tremendous lot of good sense about a good many matters.

Jube Perkins thought Rufe's comicality most praiseworthy his pipe went out while he laughed. Byers flushed indignantly. "Ye aggervatin' leetle varmint!" he cried suddenly, his patience giving way.

More work rushed in, and Gustave illustrated serial after serial with ease and surety, giving to every picture a wildness and weirdness and awful comicality.

Hastings, thoroughly absorbed in the work before him, went about it swiftly, with now and then brief, murmured comment on what he did and saw. Although his ample night-shirt, stuffed into his equally baggy trousers, contributed nothing but comicality to his appearance, the others submitted without question to his domination.

The pathos of tone saved Miss Bertram from smiling at the comicality of the question. "I'm afraid not, dear. Not until we reach heaven." Then there was silence again, broken at last by Roy's saying in a very quiet tone, "I want to see Dudley." Miss Bertram rose from her seat, but first she stooped to kiss him. "You are quite a little hero," she said; "I will send David to you.