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Miss Katharine Coman's The Industrial History of the United States is the best account for general use. J. B. McMaster's History of the United States, vol. v , and F. J. Turner's The Rise of the New West already cited , are always serviceable.

And, look here again, ma'am, stick a ha'penny, or a penny a pound, on to your other goods, to make up. Understand?" Mrs. Day faintly admitted that she understood. "Oh, these things are easy enough to manage, get the hang of 'em. I don't object to this underselling on Coman's part. A little conflict in trade wakes interest, stirs us all up, customers and salesmen.

Professor Coman's wide and intimate knowledge of American economic conditions, as evidenced in her books, the "Industrial History of the United States", and "Economic Beginnings of the Far West", in her studies in Social Insurance published in The Survey, and in her practical work for the College Settlements Association and the Consumers' League, and as an active member of the Strike Committee during the strike of the Chicago Garment Workers in 1910-1911, lent to her teaching an appeal which more cloistered theorists can never achieve.

Her pretty, good child, to have received such shabby treatment! Deleah, who if she had chosen might have queened it over them all. Of her steadily declining business, too, she thought, and of how impossible it was for her to cope with Coman's, down the street. To-morrow was the seventh, the day set apart in each month by Mr.

In January, 1915, while this story of Wellesley was being written, Katharine Coman, Professor Emeritus of Economics, went like a conqueror to the triumph of her death. Miss Coman's power as a teacher has been spoken of on an earlier page, but she will be remembered in the college and outside as more than a teacher.

Pretty, who should have been Master Pretty surely, by rights, conveyed a piece of butter to his own tongue, and tasted it loudly, looking very wise. "'Best quality, one and a penny. I see it ticketed up as I come by Coman's." She turned round to the mistress of the shop. "I have always dealt along of you for butter, ma'am," she said.

"Business not very lively to-day, ma'am?" he said in his quick, hard way, looking round upon the empty shop. It was about everybody's tea-time. A slack hour, Mrs. Day reminded him. "Coman's was full, as I came by," he told her.

And the volumes of Hunt's Merchant's Magazine, 1839-60, DeBow's Review, 1846-60, and the American Banker's Magazine for the same period are storehouses of the economic history of the time, K. Coman's Industrial History of the United States ; E. L. Bogart's The Economic History of the United States ; and Horace White's Money and Banking Illustrated by American History , are the best special works in their several lines.