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'And as to Miss Lake's residing with you I speak now, you will understand, in the strictest confidence, because the subject is a painful one; as to her residing with you, as she proposes, Miss Lake is well aware that I am cognizant of circumstances which render any such arrangement absolutely impracticable. I need not, my dear Sir, be more particular at present, at least.

He had been waiting for this opportunity, ever since he became cognizant of what had taken place between the earl and Constance. The earl had made no secret of his intention and its defeat. "I'll have some fun over it with Mr. William," had been Roland's thought. A sudden noise! Cries and shouts on the banks of the river, and the dense crowd swayed about with excitement. Mr.

While we leave Roger Acton in the jail, waiting for the very near assizes, and wearing every hour away in penitence and prayer, it will be needful to our story that we take a retrospective glance at certain events, of no slight importance. I must now speak of things, of which there is no human witness; recording words, and deeds, whereof Heaven alone is cognizant, Heaven alone and Hell!

For example, the mind and the spirit of man are cognizant of the conditions and states of the members and component parts of the body, and are aware of all the physical sensations; in the same way, they are aware of their power, of their feelings, and of their spiritual conditions.

He also wrote in the most polite terms to the Archduke; indeed, he expressly said "that he was thoroughly cognizant of the late Prince Kinsky's intentions with regard to me and this affair, and that I might present a petition," &c.

Captain Hunsden was a very proud man. It is scarcely likely he would announce his bitter shame to the world." "And his daughter was cognizant of these facts?" "Only from the night of her father's death. On that night he revealed to her the truth, under a solemn oath of secrecy. Previous to that she had believed her mother dead.

The General, after spending a portion of the afternoon with us, had returned to his home; and about eleven at night, a messenger begged my immediate attendance on him. He had been taken suddenly ill; and my husband, who was cognizant of the paternal affection the General felt for me, urged me to hasten to his bedside.

"I do," replied the other "She is under a strong impression, in consequence of the dying man's allusion to the boy's uncle, Sir Thomas, 'who, he said, 'knows, that he is cognizant of the position whatever it may be in which her unfortunate son is placed." "Not unlikely, but still what can I do in this?" "I am scarcely aware of that myself," replied the other; "but I may say that it was Mr.

Lawrence, they had averaged eighty miles an hour, and before moonrise they were cognizant of the fact that they were approaching a great sheet of water. "St. James Bay, the lower part of Hudson Bay," Professor Henderson explained. Soon the moonlight shimmered upon the waves beneath them. Jack, who was guiding the craft, deflected the wings and they slid down the airways toward the water.

In fine, it was understood that Roumania would join in at the same time as Italy. Cognizant of those intentions and preparations the Allies rejoiced exceedingly. The prospect that opened out before them appeared cheerful.