United States or Saint Pierre and Miquelon ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Since they expected in a floorwalker the mechanical and servile gentility of a hired puppet, he exhibited the easy, offhand simplicity of a fellow club-member. With perfect naturalness he went out of his way to assist in their shopping concerns: gave advice in the selection of dress materials, acted as arbiter in the matching of frocks and stockings.

I can't speak fairer than that. Whoever says I'm not a gentleman why, he isn't one either." "Hear, hear! I never knew you were an ornithologist, Richards." "Nor did I not till this moment. But when it's a question of defending the honour of a Club-member I always rise to the occasion. Some things they simply make my blood boil. Look at this REFEREE: two weeks out of date! How the blazes is a man "

Such means we already have in the "Woman's Club," the "Woman's Journal," and the "Woman's Congress." The first of these institutions is not what the uninitiated, judging from its name, might suppose. The writer, though not a club-member, can affirm of her own knowledge, that at the weekly gatherings questions are discussed which have a direct bearing on the interests of the family and household.

Nevertheless, Copplestone's mind was not entirely absorbed by this pleasant subject; the events of the day and of the arrival in London kept presenting themselves. And coming across a fellow club-member whom he knew for a thorough man about town, he suddenly plumped him with a question. "I say!" he said. "Do you know the Fragonard Club?" "Of course!" replied the other man. "Don't you?"

Morton flounced out of her seat, with an agility that showed her full appreciation of the thrust. "It is unconstitutional for one club-member to insult a fellow club-member," she cried, in a rage. "And, anyhow, I wish to deny that statement. I'm not a relation I'm not, I'm not!" "Pardon me," the militant suffragette declared, belligerently.

Some London beauties of the "seventies" Great ladies The Victorian girl Votaries of the Gaiety Theatre Two witty ladies Two clever girls and mock-Shakespeare The family who talked Johnsonian English Old-fashioned tricks of pronunciation Practical jokes Lord Charles Beresford and the old Club-member The shoe-less legislator Travellers' palms The tree that spouted wine Celyon's spicy breezes Some reflections Decline of public interest in Parliament Parliamentary giants Gladstone, John Bright, and Chamberlain Gladstone's last speech His resignation W.H. Smith The Assistant Whips Sir William Hart-Dyke Weary hours at Westminster A Pseudo-Ingoldsbean Lay.