United States or Turkmenistan ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Three days only remained before the polling booths would be open, and the voters of the towns of Elgin and Clayfield and the surrounding townships would once again be invited to make their choice between a Liberal and a Conservative representative of the district in the Dominion House of Commons.

"It looks," said Octavius one evening in early February, "as if the Grits were getting a little anxious about South Fox high time, too. I see Cruickshank is down to speak at Clayfield on the seventh, and Tellier is to be here for the big meeting at the opera house on the eleventh." "Tellier is Minister of Public Works, isn't he?" asked Hesketh.

The single mind is the most fervid: Elgin had few distractions from the question of the court house or the branch line to Clayfield. The arts conspired to be absent; letters resided at the nearest university city; science was imported as required, in practical improvements.

If the Conservative candidate felt the damage to his dignity, however, he concealed it. In Elgin and Clayfield, where factory chimneys had also begun to point the way to enterprise, Winter had a clear field.

The family was complete with the exception of Lorne, who had driven out to Clayfield with Horace Williams, to talk over some urgent matters with persons whom he would meet at supper at the Metropole Hotel at Clayfield.

B. meditated a publication expressly on this subject, he was desirous of collecting the testimony of others, for which purpose, he persuaded several of his friends to breathe this innocent, but exhilarating nitrous oxide, while they described, and he recorded their sensations. Mr. Southey, Mr. Clayfield, Mr. Tobin, and others inhaled the new air.

I asked Emmett, but he didn't know supposed you could walk to Clayfield if you didn't take the car. He seems to have lost his legs. I suppose parsons do." "Not all of them," said Lorne. "There's a fellow that has a church over in East Elgin, Finlay his name is, that beats the record of anything around here. He just about ranges the county in the course of a week."

Chatterton had written to Clayfield that he meant to destroy himself. Clayfield called on Barrett to communicate his uneasiness about the young lad. 'Stay, said Barrett, 'and hear what he will say to me. Chatterton was sent for. Barrett talked to him on the guilt and folly of suicide. Chatterton denied any intention of the kind, or any conversation to that import.

The Elgin Mercury, if consulted, would produce them in daily disclosure; so would the Clayfield Standard. One of these offered a good deal of sympathy to Mayor Winter, the veteran of so many good fights, in being asked to contest South Fox with an opponent who had not so much as a village reeveship to his public credit.

Clayfield came from the closet with the letter in his hand, and asked, 'Is not this your hand-writing? Chatterton then, in a state of confusion, fell upon his knees, and heard in sullen silence, the suitable remarks on his conduct. God bless you. Yours affectionately, Robert Southey." "Bristol, Sept. 1802. Dear Cottle,