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The beard was also regarded traditionally as having belonged to Saint Paul. "For me," the Pope was represented as saying, "for me the beard of Paul, the sword of Paul, all things of Paul: that key-bearer, Peter, is no way to my liking." "Huc barbam Pauli, gladium Pauli, omnia Pauli: Claviger ille nihil ad mea vota Petrus."

A large hole, which allows the passage of the ants, but not the escape of the flock, is formed so that they may come to milk their cows. They use the same methods we have seen practised on the Claviger, caressing the insect with their antennæ until the sugared drop appears.

"He's very like the duke, though," General Claviger went on, after a moment's pause, during which everybody watched Bertram and Frida disappearing down the walk round a clump of syringas. "Very like the duke. And you saw he admitted some sort of relationship, though he didn't like to dwell upon it. You may be sure he's a by-blow of the family somehow.

At last, however, the General happened to say casually, "I forget the exact name of the place I mean; I think it's Malolo; but I have a very good map of all the district at my house down at Wanborough." "What! Wanborough in Northamptonshire?" Bertram exclaimed with sudden interest. "Do you really live there?" "I'm lord of the manor," General Claviger answered, with a little access of dignity.

General Claviger was of the number, that well-known constructor of scientific frontiers in India or Africa; and so was Dean Chalmers, the popular preacher, who had come down for the day from his London house to deliver a sermon on behalf of the Society for Superseding the Existing Superstitions of China and Japan by the Dying Ones of Europe.

"Oh, he was a thorough old rip, the duke, if it comes to that," General Claviger responded, twirling his white moustache. "And so's the present man a rip of the first water. They're a regular bad lot, the Bertrams, root and stock. They never set an example of anything to anybody bar horse-breeding, as far as I'm aware; and even at that their trainers have always fairly cheated 'em."

The art of domesticating the Claviger is a stage of civilisation reached by some tribes and not by others. Lespès has placed this out of doubt in the following manner. He had specimens of Lasius niger who exploited a flock of Coleoptera. Having met ants of the same species who possessed no flocks, he brought them some.

General Claviger, for his part, was congenially engaged in describing to Bertram his pet idea for a campaign against the Madhi and his men, in the interior of the Soudan.

But, to say the truth, he cared little for their conversation; for had he not turned aside down one of the retired gravel paths in the garden, alone with Frida? "That's General Claviger of Herat, I suppose," he said in a low tone, as they retreated out of ear-shot beside the clump of syringas. "What a stern old man he is, to be sure, with what a stern old face!

It must not be believed that the practical insect takes so much care in order to repair the injustice of nature towards the beetle; the part of a devoted sick nurse would not suit him; he cares for the Claviger because it is his property, a capital which brings in interest in the shape of excellent sweet little drops which are good to suck. Ph.