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One sister was named Choo, and the other Chaa, and one brother was called Jacko, and the other Bumpo. They were funny names, but then, you see, monkeys are funny little creatures, anyhow, and have to be called by funny names, or things would not come out right. Mappo was the oldest of the monkey children, and he was the smartest. Perhaps that was why he had so many adventures.

What are you doing?" cried Mappo to Bumpo, after having swung himself up on the branch again. "Oh dear! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to," said Bumpo. "I just wanted to show papa how I can open a cocoanut." Monkey, with a bunch of bananas slung over his back, came scrambling up to the tree-house. "We can all open cocoanuts! We've had our lessons," said Chaa. "Good!" cried Mr. Monkey.

That's the time I fooled you!" laughed Mappo in his chattering way. Then Jacko gave chase after Mappo again, and the two monkey boys were having lots of fun in the trees, when Mrs. Monkey called to them: "Jacko! Mappo! Come down here. It is time for your new lesson. And you, too, Choo and Chaa!

Up into the tree, where their house was, scrambled Mappo, and his brothers and sisters. Mappo carried in his paws the pieces of white cocoanut he had broken out of the round, brown shell. He nibbled at a piece. "Oh, doesn't that taste good!" he cried. "Please give me some," begged Chaa, holding out one little, brown paw. "No, I want it all," said Mappo. "Oh, you must not be selfish!" said Mrs.

"Is it safe to go down now, Mamma?" asked Mappo of his mother, in monkey talk. This was a little while after the scare. "No, not yet," she said. "That tiger may still be down there, waiting and hiding. You and Jacko and Bumpo, and Choo and Chaa stay up here, and pretty soon I will give you a new lesson." "Oh, a new lesson!" exclaimed Jacko. "I wonder what kind it will be.

Monkey went into the tree-house, came out with a brown, shaggy thing, about as big as a small football. Have you ever seen one of those? Only, of course, it was not a football. "Oh, what is it, Mamma?" asked Chaa. "I know!" exclaimed Bumpo, as he tried to climb under a branch, and bumped his head. "Ouch!" he cried.

Then, go up in a tall tree, and drop the inside nut down on a stone. The fall will break it, and you can then eat the white meat." "Oh, isn't that a nice thing to know!" cried Choo. "Yes, indeed," said her sister Chaa. "I wish we had a cocoanut to break open." "Come up in the tree and I'll give you each one," said Mrs. Monkey.