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"It's moving-day to-day," he said; "streets and houses are like a dust-bin, a large dust-bin; but I'm content with a cartload. I may get something good out of that, and I really did get something good out of it, once. Shortly after Christmas I was going up the street; it was rough weather, wet and dirty; the right kind of weather to catch cold in.

There are a good many empty shelves, Roger." "I don't intend to buy books by the cartload," he replied. "A library should grow like the man who gathers it." "Roger," she said suddenly, "I think I see some fancy work that I recognize. Yes, here is more." Then she darted back into the sitting-room. In a moment she returned exclaiming, "I believe the house is full of my work."

One rotten worried little beast wants to keep us other rotten little beasts off HIS patch, God knows why! Look at the weeds in it. Look at the mended fence!... There's no property worth having, Dick, but money. That's only good to spend. All these things. Human souls buried under a cartload of blithering rubbish.... "I'm not a fool, Dick. I have qualities, imagination, a sort of go.

More significant yet, when conditions became bad in the provinces, Insurgent officers sent their women and children to seek American protection in Manila or elsewhere. Cartload after cartload of them came in at Angeles, shortly after General Jacob H. Smith took that place. Aguinaldo himself followed this procedure, as is shown by the following extracts from Villa's famous diary: "December 22.

The girl of the season, with her cartload of bouquets slung all over her, her neat figure, her pink-and-white complexion and her matchless staying powers in a ballroom, will descend upon the devoted victim Barker, beak and talons, like the fish-hawk on the poor, simple minnow innocently disporting itself in the crystal waters of happiness.

He had come with a cartload of manure, and had scattered it pell-mell over the grass. "He is now digging it up. Hurry on and make him stop." "I am going with you," said Bouvard. At the bottom of the steps outside, a horse in the shafts of a dung-cart was gnawing at a bunch of oleanders.

He had said that the true religion had often been strengthened by persecution, but could never be strengthened by rebellion; that it would be a glorious day for the Church of England when a whole cartload of her ministers should go to the gallows for the doctrine of nonresistance; and that his highest ambition was to be one of such a company, It is not improbable that, when he spoke thus, he felt as he spoke.

"And yet," said Lambourne, "I have been in cities where such learned commodities would have been deemed too good for such offices." "Pshaw, pshaw," answered Foster, "'they are Popish trash, every one of them private studies of the mumping old Abbot of Abingdon. The nineteenthly of a pure gospel sermon were worth a cartload of such rakings of the kennel of Rome."

He read Saint Thomas Aquinas, and Peter Dens, and a cartload more of old casuists, Romanist and Protestant. He exhausted the learning of the Development Theory.

"The family has been the curse of my life," said Auriol. "If I hadn't anticipated them or is it it? by telling them to go to the devil, they would have disowned me long ago. Now they're afraid of me, and I've got the whip hand. A kind of blackmail; so they let me alone." "But if you made a mesalliance, as they call it," said I, "they'd be down upon you like a cartload of bricks."