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"If you'll wait here a minute or two I'll go to the railway station and get my bag," said Tillotson, who wanted to confer with his chief. "I'll wait up the road under the arch," said Cap-tain Gething. "Now don't run away," said Tillotson impressively. "If you won't go by train, perhaps the schooner is the best thing we can do."

William Green, who worshipped wealth and position, sidled up to him, and with much deference discussed the dancing. He made such a favourable impression that Cap-tain Barber, who was in a semi-maudlin mood, took him by the arm to the now deserted parlour, and ensconcing him in a corner, told him all his troubles and warned him of the pitfalls which beset the feet of good-looking bachelors. Mr.

One end of this was plugged with a piece of pith, and this he drew out, and then from inside, neatly rolled up and quite dry, a little piece of paper. "You Cap-tain Smit-ter?" said the Malay. "No, my man, that is the captain," said the lieutenant, pointing. "Cap-tain Smit-ter. Ali Rajah send," said the man, holding out the paper. "Did Ali send us this?" said the captain, eagerly.

"Anything the matter, ma'am?" enquired Cap-tain Barber, regarding her somewhat severely. Mrs. Banks shook her head. "Only thoughts," she said, mysteriously. It is difficult for a man to object to his visitors finding amusement in their thoughts, or even to enquire too closely into the nature of them. Mrs.

The next day we set sail at sun rise; for we had far to go, and the boys had a strange wish to hear Fritz tell his tale. When the boat had made a fair start, we all sat down on the deck, with Jane in our midst, while Fritz told his tale to the end. Jane Rose was born in IN-DI-A. She was the child of one Cap-tain Rose, whose wife died when Jane was but a babe in arms.

In stimulating the propulsion of his team, the bullock-driver addresses each of his beasts by name; such as, "eh, Smiler;" "come up, Strawberry;" "Cap-tain," etc.; accompanying every admonition with a profusion of oaths, and a wholesale application of the lash.

Send help in steamer up right river. Ali." "Have you come straight from him?" exclaimed the captain, eagerly. "Cap-tain Smit-ter, Ali Rajah send," said the man again. "Where is Wilson?" cried the captain, "or Gray? Ah, you are here, Gray. You have made some progress with the Malay tongue. See what this man knows."

"Cap-tain Smit-ter, Ali Rajah send," said the man again. "Where did you leave him?" said the captain. "Cap-tain Smit-ter, Ali Rajah send," repeated the man, parrot fashion, showing plainly enough that he had been trained to use these words and no more. Captain Smithers unrolled the scrap of native paper to find written thereon, "Found the party. Fighting for life in a stockade.