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And I left a neighbour's gate open on purpose so the stock got into his cornfield, but I ain't a bad man naturally, and this is the first real crookedness I ever done intentionally. Lord," he pleaded, "hear my humble prayer and send somebody!" At the top of the well Wallie had his suspicions verified. So Canby had laid one more straw on the camel's back to break it!

His Arabic, touched off with the soft brogue of Erin, made a little shrill by weariness and peril, was not the Arabic of Abdin Palace, but yet, under the spell, the camel's head ceased swaying nervously, the long neck stretched out bravely, and they came on together to the Gilif Hills, comrades in distress, gallant and unafraid.... Now the rider looked back less than before, for the hills were near, he was crossing a ridge which would hide him from sight for a few miles, and he kept his eyes on the opening in the range where a few domtrees marked the rendezvous.

The camel was found, and the Arab sorely repented him of his vow. He then tied a cat on the camel's neck, and went through the city of Baghdad, exclaiming, 'O, true believers, here is a camel to be sold for a dinar, and a cat for a thousand dinars; but they cannot be sold the one without the other."

On chairs and tables lay Mlle. d' Armilly's changes of dress for the performance and her street garments, while upon a broad shelf in front of a mirror were the various mysterious articles used in her make-up rouge, grease-paint, poudre de riz, etc., together with brushes and numerous camel's hair pencils.

The sparse population of the Sahara Arabs, Berbers, and negroes are dependent upon the camel, for until the railway shall traverse the Sahara the camel will be practically the only means of transportation. The camel's flesh furnishes about the only meat consumed by the dwellers of the desert, for ordinary cattle can live only in a few localities along the desert border lands.

It is chiefly rose red, then blue, a metallic, mid-blue, and a very soft dark blue. I think you would like it. Do you think you would? 'It sounds very nice, he replied. 'What is it? Oriental? With a pile? 'Yes. Persian! It is made of camel's hair, silky. I think it is called Bergamos twelve feet by seven . Do you think it will do? 'It would DO, he said.

It is eighteen miles from here. You should reach it by sunrise. Then consult your map. The next point is marked. If you do not stray from the line, you should be at the springs of Telemsi in eight days." The camel's neck was stretched toward the dark wind coming from the south. The Targa released the bridle with a sweep of his hand. "Now go."

Once leave the netting and you might with good luck and a skilful driver get across the sand without much trouble, but it often meant much bottom-gear work and a hot engine, and not infrequently the digging out of wheels. The drivers used to try to keep to the tracks made by other cars. These were never straight, and the swing from side to side reminded you of your first ride on a camel's back.

Most of the day it has been overcast, but to-night it has cleared again. There is very little wind. The temperatures of late have been ranging fromat night to 24° in the day. Very easy circumstances for sledging. Monday, January 30. Camp 3. Safety Camp. Bearings: Lat. 77.55; Cape Armitage N. 64 W.; Camel's Hump of Blue Glacier left, extreme; Castle Rock N. 40 W. Called the camp at 7.30.

'No, no, Sir, returned Toodle, with a tender consideration for his mistake. 'I should hope not! No, Sir. Arter a BILER Sir. The Steamingine was a'most as good as a godfather to him, and so we called him Biler, don't you see! As the last straw breaks the laden camel's back, this piece of information crushed the sinking spirits of Mr Dombey.