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He came up to see me here a few weeks ago." "Did he? He's a gay dog," he said lightly. "Do you like him?" "I haven't thought about it." "Oh, then you don't. And haven't you seen him since?" "No; I've been away." "Away?" "Yes; down at Cailsham staying with my mother." "Oh, very nice, I should think. I'm glad you're moving about a bit.

"No," said Sally quickly; "neither do I neither do I." He drank through his tea. One mouthful they were such tiny cups; but that is the way a man takes his entertainment. "Have a good time down at Cailsham?" he asked presently. He felt more at his ease. She was taking it well so much better than he expected. "Oh, not very good.

As she saw it from there, she recognized it as a place which, passing, even in those better days when her father had lived in the quaint little rectory at Cailsham, she might have exclaimed "Oh, what a lovely place that is! I wonder who lives there?"

In the apron of the art-student, her hands unwashed, her hair dishevelled and untidy, she opened the door to Sally's summons. "Heavens!" she exclaimed. "Why aren't you at Cailsham?" "I came up this afternoon." Sally entered the room, crossed to the drawing-board, where the design for a figure of lace was slowly materializing in white paint upon brown paper under Janet's hand.

You'll know quick enough what I mean about the curse of Eve, when you find one of them tugging at your skirts for sympathy." Cailsham one of those small antiquated towns which, in its day, has had its name writ in history sits at the feet of the hills, like an old man, weary of toil, and gazes out with sleepy eyes over the garden of Kent.

He was still standing where she had left him, gazing down into the forest of grass stems. This ended her life at Cailsham. How could she remain, how face the reproach, no matter what effort she knew he would make to conceal it, which at any moment she might find herself compelled to meet in the eyes of Wilfrid Grierson?

Nothing has yet been written, nothing has yet been said, which can be made to apply without deviation to the law of change, and also indiscriminately of persons. And so, for this unswerving faith of the Rev. Samuel, Sally Bishop is made to suffer. Very shortly after the removal from Cailsham, she made her declaration of independence.

The people of Cailsham, treating her first as one of the Bishops the one who had lived in London, earning her living came to find that she was a different type of person to the rest of her family. The women admitted her to look smart; the men at the weekly teas which some member of the tennis club always provided sought out her company.

For ten years he had held the parish of Cailsham, fulfilling all his duties by that rule of thumb which is the refuge to all those lacking in initiative. Not one of the parishioners could find any fault with him, yet none bore him respect. They blinked through his services. During his deliberate intoning of the lessons, they thought of all their worldly affairs, and while he preached, they slept.

"Yes, my dear child," said her mother; "we know it was left to you, of course; but since we came away from Cailsham" her mouth pursed; she admirably conveyed the effort of controlling her emotions the lump in the throat, the hasty swallowing and the blinking eyes "since we left Cailsham, I'd sometimes hoped " "Of course you had, mater," said the young man sympathetically.