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When startled or hunted, the weka glides, for it can scarcely be called running, with incredible swiftness and in perfect silence, to the nearest cover. A tussock, a clump of flax, a tuft of tall tohi grass, all serve as hiding-places; and, wingless as she is, the weka can hold her own very well against her enemies, the dogs. I really believe the great desire of Brisk's life was to catch a weka.

Now, what with the House Beautiful, so full of the most delightful company; what with music in the house and music in the heart; what with Mr. Brisk's courtship of Mercy, Matthew's illness, Mr. Skill's cure of the sick man, and what not a whole month passed by like a day in that so happy house.

They clambered about on the bank and over the stones, till Mrs. Hardy told them it was too late to stop longer, and they drove toward town. After they had reached the house where Rock and his mother were boarding, they took off their hats and were ready for tea. They wondered if they were all to sit with Mrs. Brisk's family at the table, and dreaded it a little.

Lawrence Newt rang a little bell. Venables entered quietly. "Most ready out there?" asked Mr. Newt. "Most ready, Sir." "Brisk's the word this morning, you know. Please to copy these letters." Venables said nothing, took the letters, and went out. "Now, young man," said the merchant, "tell me what you want." The lad's heart turned toward him like a fallow-field to the May sun.

"I've got a job over there, anyhow," he said, "though I mostly leaves about this time, but I can do what I have to do as well now as in the morning." Therefore the children felt perfectly safe in leaving Bubbles. Rock led the way to Mr. Brisk's workhouse. "What I've to show you is in here," he said.

Keep-at-home, sit-still, hats and hosen and all her little boast only proves Mercy to have been at heart a true daughter of Eve after all. There is an old-fashioned word that comes up again and again in the account of Mr. Brisk's courtship, a word that contains far more interest and instruction for us than might on the surface appear. When Mr.

Brisk's love-making might have ended in his becoming a pilgrim but for this fatal flaw in his heart, that even in his love-making he stuck so fast to the world. It is almost incredible: you may well refuse to believe it that any young man in love, and especially a young gentleman of Mr. Brisk's breeding, would approach his mistress with the question how much she could earn a day. As Mr.