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Our friends the bonzes, notwithstanding an unctuousness of manner thoroughly ecclesiastical, are very ready to laugh a simple, pleased, childish laughter; plump, chubby, shaven and shorn, they dearly love our French liqueurs and know how to take a joke. We talk first of one thing and then another.

To this day it may be said that Japanese boys and men are, at least within the limits of their light, more tender and careful with all living creatures than are those of Christendom. The bonzes improved the daily fare of the people, by introducing from Korea and China articles of food hitherto unknown. They brought over new seeds and varieties of vegetables and trees.

The Indian Brahmins have a book of scripture called the Shaster; the Persees their Zundivastaw; the Bonzes in China have theirs, written by the disciples of Fo-he, whom they call God and Saviour of the world, who was born to teach the way of salvation, and to give satisfaction for all men's sins: which, you see, is directly the same with what our priests pretend of Christ.

"Wait a while," she observed with a smirk, "and listen to what I've got to tell you! if it's about anything else, I've nothing to do with it; but if it be about the young bonzes and young Taoists, you must, in this particular matter, please comply with this suggestion of mine," after which, she went on in this way and that way to put him up to a whole lot of hints.

Every kind of remedy was tried, but no benefit whatever became visible. After sunset, the spouse of Wang Tzu-t'eng said good-bye and took her departure. On the ensuing day, Wang Tzu-t'eng himself also came to make inquiries. Some brought charm-water. Some recommended bonzes and Taoist priests. Others spoke highly of doctors.

Behind us is the great open temple, where the bonzes officiate, to the accompaniment of sacred bells and wooden clappers looking, from where we sit, more like puppets than anything else, some squatting in rows like peaceful mummies, others executing rhythmical marches before the golden background where stand the gods.

Judge, then, of the fierce hatred which this roused in Klan Hua's breast, and ye will understand the reason of the plot which he formed against the one who held the position he so much desired." "Never mind about the quarrels of these estimable bonzes, Hassan," interrupted Denviers.

"'There rest thyself, and be at last content, he said, scornfully: 'thou false bonze, whisper thence more of thy malicious words into the ears of the great ruler of Siam! "The monarch was disconcerted for a moment, then motioning one of the other bonzes forward, he exclaimed: "'Yu Chan declares that no one in this barge will support his accuser's words.

It is a strange fact in nature that the vicious are often more interesting than the virtuous. So it is with the Corean bonzes. Morals they have none; if it were possible, one might say even less than none. They lead a lazy and vicious life in these monasteries, gambling among themselves and spending much time in orgies.

Of the two bonzes, or priests, in the stem of the boat, one, probably, is a member of the family, and the other its spy, for even naiboen excursions are not exempted from espionage: indeed the Japanese are so habituated to this custom that they generally regard it as a necessary check upon themselves.