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"Are you there?" he whispered, as if fearful of listeners. "I I have found your parcel." "Containing the notes. So far so good. Yes, you are right, it is the same cigar-case you admired so much in Lockhart's the other day. Well, we have given you an instance of our bona-fides. But £250 is of no use to you at present.

They were indebted to him for much useful information, though for some time his bonâ-fides were suspected because of his pushful partiality for conflict with any nationality rather than his own.

They took it for granted that Jim had gone into his bona-fides and that he was "square." He took up a position at the end of the table nearest the door, and apparently watched the game before staking. In reality he was studying the faces of the players.

His necktie pleased him; the elegance of his turned-back wristbands pleased him; and he liked the rich down on his forearms. He could not believe that he looked forty-three and a half. The hairdresser had informed him that the symptom would vanish under electric massage, and that, if he doubted the bona-fides of hairdressers, any doctor would testify to the value of electric massage.

He cited various well known city men to speak for his bona-fides and protested violently against the action of the authorities in doubting his word. It was ultimately elicited that Bellward was of German birth and had never been naturalized, and he was detained in custody while a search was made at The Mill House.

His French accent, as Sir William records it, was most satisfactory, and a conclusive proof of his bonâ-fides. Disraeli, it is clear, cared as little for literature as he did for art. He admired Gray, as every man with a sense for epithet must; he studied Junius, whose style, so Sir William Fraser believes, he surpassed in his 'Runnymede' letters.

My directors dislike very much any publicity given to brawls of this sort in the hotel, or you might find yourself in a somewhat awkward position. I have nothing more to say about it." He would have moved away, but I stood directly in front of him. "It happens that I have," I said. "I am not a thief or an adventurer, and my bona-fides are easily established.

'Their words are practically the same; their praise and blame are similarly inspired; the means they employ to gain their object identical. So much we can see for ourselves. As for their object and their bona-fides, they concern me not. It is what they do, not what they are, that is the question here.

"I will give this letter to the Weymouth paper to insert," Colonel Chambers said, "and will send copies to the London papers, with a few lines recalling the facts of the murder and the proofs that had accumulated of Markham's share in it, and which show beyond all doubt the bona-fides of the confession." "Thank you very much, Colonel," Frank said.

But yet, with the strange pertinacity which causes people to cling to that which they know to be wrong, and try to force themselves into belief of its truth, she believed in the bona-fides of the claimant for maternal solicitude and the paternal acres.