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"There is no kava like the kava of the dead, and to drink of it once is the reward of living." "I thank you. It smells excellent," said the missionary. "But I am a blue-ribbon man myself; and though I am aware there is a difference of opinion even in our own confession, I have always held kava to be excluded." "What!" cried the convert. "Are you going to respect a taboo at a time like this?

Nationalists and Unionists are to them alike abominable, sold under sin. Withal they are shrewd, canny, successful farmers and, as I inferred from sundry incidents, before Lord Ernest confided the fact to me, not averse from a "right gude williewaught" now and then. Mr. Keyes, I thought, was not a blue-ribbon man, nor a ribbon-man of any kind.

After a while they all adjourned to the dining-room and Turner and Vandover went out into the kitchen, foraging among the drawers and shelves. They came back bringing with them a box of sardines, a tin of paté, three quart bottles of blue-ribbon beer, and what Vandover called "devilish-ham" sandwiches. "Now do we want tamales to go with these?" said Turner, as she spread the lunch on the table.

The unengaged leg was suddenly wrested loose, and as it shot up and out Billy Williams, with his pessimism aroused to a blue-ribbon pitch, sat down forcibly in an adjacent part of the room, from where he lectured between gasps on the follies of mankind and the attributes of army mules. Red tiptoed around the squirming bunch, looking for an opening, his pleased expression now having added a grin.

Added to this, we were enjoying the delightful hospitality of the Wilhelms, and the Major insisted upon making me acquainted with the "real old-fashioned army toddy" several times a day, a new beverage to me, brought up in a blue-ribbon community, where wine-bibbing and whiskey drinking were rated as belonging to only the lowest classes.

The donkey-man reddened visibly and fumbled with his hat. 'My dear, her father warned, 'he understands English. She continued to gaze with the open admiration one would bestow upon a picture or a view or a blue-ribbon horse. The man flashed her a momentary glance from a pair of searching grey eyes, then dropped his gaze humbly to the ground. 'Buon giorno, he said in glib Italian.

In the following year he killed forty-two, and won the blue-ribbon of hog-hunting the Kadir Cup. H.S. Thomas's delightful books on fishing. Hunting the boar takes place early in the morning and again in the evening, so that men find themselves with nothing to do for the greater part of the day.