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This was because he had heard that by her work she was supporting two small children, as well as her poor old mother, who had no other means of sustenance. Nevertheless, said M. Bidard, Helene was not long in his household before her companion, Rose Tessier, began to suffer in plenty from the real character of Helene Jegado.

Everything SHE does is perfect. They leave me here to work if I want to, eat my bread dry: that's my reward. But the housemaid will go before I do. Although M. Bidard has given me my notice, he'll have to order me out before I'll go. Look! Helene added. ``Here's the bed of the ugly housemaid in a room not too far from the master's.

The Procureur-General invited M. Bidard to say what amount of intelligence he had found in Helene. M. Bidard declared that he had never seen in any of his servants an intelligence so acute or subtle. He held her to be a phenomenon in hypocrisy. He put forward a fact which he had neglected to mention in his deposition. It might throw light on the character of the accused.

Helene's first move was to look for the vessels containing the ejections of the invalid to throw them out. These were green in hue. M. Bidard stopped her, and locked the vessels up. That same day justice was invoked. M. Bidard's deposition had held his hearers spellbound for over an hour and a half.

But in the following days Helene did nothing but talk of ``that poor Rose, and M. Bidard, before her persistence, could only believe he had been mistaken. ``Ah! Helene said. ``I loved her as I did that poor girl who died in the Bout-du-Monde. The witness wanted to find some one to take Rose's place.

Helene tried to dissuade him. ``Never mind another femme de chambre, she said. ``I will do everything. M. Bidard contented himself with engaging another girl, Francoise Huriaux, strong neither in intelligence nor will, but nevertheless a sweet little creature. That was his affair, he said. Francoise meantime conceived a fear of Helene.

He said that if she would promise to keep the peace with Rosalie he would let her stay on. Helene seemed to be satisfied, and behaved better to Rosalie, who began to mend again. M. Bidard went into the country on the 21st of June, taking Rosalie with him. They returned on the 22nd.

To the two doctors M. Bidard expressed the opinion that there were either worms in the intestines or else the case was one of poisoning. ``I have thought that, said Dr Pinault, ``remembering the case of the other girl. The doctors went back with M. Bidard to his house. Magnesia was administered in a strong dose. The vomiting stopped. But it was too late.

It was then that she brought Rosalie Sarrazin to him. ``A very good girl, she said. `` If her dress is poor it is because she gives everything to her mother. The words, M. Bidard commented, were said by Helene with remarkable sincerity. It was said that Helene had no moral sense.

The latter was acquainted with the new-comer. A vegetable soup had been prescribed for Rosalie, and this Helene prepared. The convalescent ate some, and at once fell prey to violent sickness. That same day Helene came in search of the witness. ``You're never going to dismiss me for that young girl? she demanded angrily. M. Bidard relented.