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Acrimonious were the legal struggles fought over infringements and rights of way, and, in the first years of the building of the lines to all parts of this country, real warfare was waged by the workers of competing companies. It is not my purpose to treat exhaustively of any of these battles, scientific, legal, or physical.

It was just our rashness that lost us all our battles. "What, Monsieur Dessin, you must be off? Will you let me have a horse saddled for yourself; and the pony for mademoiselle? The groom can bring them back." Monsieur Dessin declined the offer; and a few minutes later started to walk back with his daughter to Derby.

But something else, more glorious than these salutations of love from France and from the Directory, was to be brought back by his messengers to the victorious commander-his wife, his Josephine; he claimed her as the reward of battles won.

I demand it; my good name demands it; I haven't given you the right to fight battles over me, and I don't intend to. I'd rather let that man, repulsive as he is, kiss me a dozen times than have to hang my head before them I love. They would take Joe from me; it would hurry my mother to her grave; it would be a living death. See, here's the revolver."

The character of Kutuzov and reflections on the unsatisfactory results of the battles at Krasnoe, by Bogdanovich. The hatred and contempt of the crowd punish such men for discerning the higher laws.

Perhaps I should have made a poor general, but if I had been free to follow the bent of my own inclination I would rather have won battles for your Majesty than diplomatic campaigns." It seems clear that both the defects and the greatness of Bismarck's character are intimately associated with these military leanings of his.

It was a series of battles for the wells, in effect, for here the eternal problems of transport and water were acute. The former was more or less solved in time for the big operations; the latter was the difficulty it had always been for the past two years, but in a different way.

Tetrao phasianellus, dances of; duration of dances of. Tetrao scoticus. Tetrao tetrix, pugnacity of the male. Tetrao umbellus, pairing of; battles of; drumming of the male. Tetrao urogalloides, dances of. Tetrao urogallus, pugnacity of the male. Tetrao urophasianus, inflation of the oesophagus in the male. Thamnobia, young of. Thecla, sexual differences of colouring in species of.

There are battles which are just as hard to go into and just as hard to stay in as the battles of arms, and if the man will but stay and think never of himself there will come a time of grateful recollection when men will speak of him not only with admiration but with that which goes deeper, with affection and with reverence.

However, so that the audience would clearly understand the play, Vitalis explained the various situations, as the piece progressed. For instance, striking up a warlike air, he announced the entrance of General Pretty-Heart, who had won his high rank in various battles in India.