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We heard the Tecbir, so these Arabs call Their shout of onset, when with loud acclaim They challenged Heaven, as if demanding conquest. The battle join'd, and through the barb'rous herd, Fight, fight! and Paradise was all their cry.

It says I'm a barb'rous villain, the story does, an' shoots up the boat after it surrenders, an' old Butler allows he'll hang me a whole lot the moment ever he gets them remarkable eyes onto me. I don't care none at the time much, only I resents this yere charge. I shore never fires a shot at that gunboat after it gives up; I ain't so opulent of amm'nition as all that.

Appreciation of poetry was almost extinguished, Addison, writing of the poets of the past, made no mention of Shakespeare, and found it possible to say of Chaucer: In vain he jests in his unpolish'd strain, And tries to make his readers laugh, in vain. And of Spenser: Old Spenser next, warm'd with poetick rage, In ancient tales amus'd a barb'rous age.

""I wants you-all to make these yere miscreants stop smokin'," says the lady to the captain, who follows along thinkin' mebby he gets her headed right after she's had her run out an' tires down some. "You're the captain of this tub," says the lady, "an' I demands my rights. Make these barb'rous miscreants stop smokin', or I leaves the boat ag'in right yere."

"Ay," the skipper continued, "'twas a sad mistake. 'Twas floutin' Providence t' say a word like that to a woman like she. But I just felt like it. Then, 'Oh, dear, says she, ''tis barb'rous lonely t' Wolf Cove, says she. ''Tis too bad, mum, says I. An' I throwed the bow o' the punt plump into a wave, Davy, lad, an' shipped a bucket o' water.

When learning's triumph o'er her barb'rous foes, First rear'd the stage; immortal Shakespear rose, Each change of many-coloured life he drew, Exhausted worlds, and then imagined new, Existence saw him spurn her bounded reign, And panting time toiled after him, in vain.

'Let her off out o' the wind. We'll be makin' for Harbour Round for shelter. Holdin' on, did you say? My dear man, they's a whirlwind brewin'! "But if 'twas blowin' hard a nor'east snorter, with the gale raisin' a wind-lop on the swell, an' the night comin' down if 'twas blowin' barb'rous hard, sometimes we'd get scared. "'Skipper, we couldn't help sayin', ''tis time t' get out o' this.

That on the first statue was expressed thus: "'Great souls! who fought near Strymon's rapid tide, And braved the invader's arm, and quelled his pride, Ei'on's high towers confess'd the glorious deed, And saw dire famine waste the vanquished Mede. Such was our vengeance on the barb'rous host, And such the generous toils our heroes boast.