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When the dinner was over Cecilia played for them in the drawing-room. Somehow or other, she wandered into the tender yet buoyant melody of the chanson she had hummed earlier in the day. "Un Canadien errant, Banni de ses foyers." "Hum-hum," trolled little Laflamme. "So you know our songs? Ca va bien!" "That was taught me" said Cecilia, "once down the river at Port Joli."

And Cecilia sang a couple of verses of: "Un Canadian errant, Banni de ses foyers." When Sir Robert entered later he found her listless and preoccupied. "You mustn't look like that to-night," he said. "Don't forget that this is your first important dinner-party: three French members and their wives, and La Colombiere, the new Minister of Finance, to whom you must be as charming as possible.

"Enfin tout philosophe est banni de céans, Et nous ne vivons plus qu'avec les honnétes gens." The advantage of women in affairs of this sort is, that they are natural opportunists, and care nothing for the tyranny of your system. There is a wise inconsequence in their ideas, for the logic of the universe is not professed from an academic chair.

His priest is the King of all the Bubis, upon whom it is never permitted to a white man, or a Porto, to gaze. Baumann also gives the residence of another important spirit as being the grotto at Banni. This is a sea-cave, only accessible at low water in calm weather. I have heard many legends of this cave, but have never had an opportunity of seeing it, or any one who has seen it first hand.

"On a banni les demons et les fees, Le raisonner tristement s'accredite: On court, helas! apres la verite: Ah! croyez moi, l'erreur a son merite!"