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Though I admire the instance and exception to general rules, I should not wish a similar experiment to be often repeated, being very much of Dr. Johnson's opinion, that there are so many causes naturally of disagreement between people yoked together, that there is no occasion to add another unnecessarily. To MR. BANNATYNE. EDGEWORTHSTOWN, Dec. 4, 1827.

It was Scott's own favourite club, the Bannatyne, that first projected the plan of printing substantial and valuable volumes. Several persons of rank, I believe, would willingly become members, and there are enough of good operatives. What would you think of such an association? David Laing was ever keen for it; but the death of Sir Alexander Boswell and of Alexander Oswald has damped his zeal.

Not till 1863 was the inventory of 1566, discovered in 1854, published for the Bannatyne Club by Dr. Joseph Robertson. Turning to the inventory we read of a valuable present made by David Rizzio to Mary, a tortoise of rubies, which she kept till her death, for it appears in a list made after her execution at Fotheringay. The murdered David Rizzio left a brother Joseph.

'Would to God, he answered, 'that you and all men had heard them as I have heard them; I praise God for that heavenly sound. As eleven o'clock drew on he gave a deep sigh, and they heard the words, 'Now it is come. His servant, Richard Bannatyne, drew near, and called upon him to think upon the comfortable promises of Christ which he had so often declared to others.

Burn, architect, would fain have had the old house pulled down, which I wonder at in him, though it would have been the practice of most of his brethren. When I came up to town I was just in time for the Bannatyne Club, where things are going on reasonably well. I hope we may get out some good historical documents in the course of the winter. Dined at the Royal Society Club.

Andrew Bannatyne, the late Dean of Faculty, and the first solicitor to the company. It will be remembered that the first bill of the Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway was thrown out of Parliament in 1837 owing to the strong opposition raised against it. In 1838, however, the bill was reintroduced, and passed Lord Wm. Bentinck, the then member for Glasgow, being chairman of the committee.

We are all a very happy party here, and I wish you could see at this moment sitting opposite to me on sofa and in arm-chair the mother and daughter and grand-child. To MRS. BANNATYNE. EDGEWORTHSTOWN, Feb. 26, 1827.

Second is Miss Young, daughter of the excellent Dr. Young of Hawick. If she can, from her father's letters and memoranda, extract materials for a fair simple account of his life, I would give my name as editor, and I think it might do, but for a large publication Palabras, neighbour Dogberry, the time is by. Dined with the Bannatyne, where we had a lively party.

He probably had no access to an American example which was reprinted four years after his death, by a member of the club which he founded, the Bannatyne Club, in 1836. The evidence of the ghost-seer was republished by Mrs. Crowe, in her Night Side of Nature. But Mrs. Crowe neither gives the facts of the trial correctly, nor indicates the sources of the narrative.

Starke and Miss Bannatyne, and Andrew and Dugald, and all of you kind friends, put your heads close together to hear a piece of intelligence which will, I know, rejoice your kind hearts.