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The work in the fields consists merely of digging out the yam and picking other fruit, and it is a sociable affair, with much talking and laughter. There is always something to eat, such as an unripe cocoa-nut or a banana. Serious work is not necessary except at the planting season, when the bush has to be cleared.

"Oh, I'm after you, my East Indian friend," Larry remarked to himself. "I'm going to have an accounting with you now. There's something queer about you." No sooner had Larry given expression to this last sentence, speaking somewhat aloud, as was his habit when thinking intently, than he slipped on a banana pealing and fell down with a force that jarred him all over.

So there he sat upon his precarious perch trying to reassume the posture which insured a good balance, clinging to the trunk with one hand and to the banana with the other. And now that the encounter which had almost resulted in a tragic sacrifice was over, and while our scout hero pauses triumphant, it may be fitting to apologize to the reader for introducing our hero in the act of eating.

So that matter being settled, Smart resumed his burden, warning his young master to be more quiet in his next announcement, if he had nothing better to encounter than a nest of parrots. We found grapes in every direction. Benjie also showed us the Banana tree, gave us a perfect volume of his discovering yams, and danced with glee before a small plantation of sugar canes.

Martie would ordinarily have passed it as one unaware of its existence. But it seemed a thoroughly daring and exciting thing to come here to-night; quite another thing from going to the hotel for vanilla ice cream and chocolate even supposing the hotel had kept its dining room open for a change, after the six o'clock supper or to Bonestell's for banana specials. This this was living!

"They all sound so good! Walnut banana sundae; strawberry glory; peach Melba; chocolate parfait, with whipped cream and cracked walnuts; elegantine fizz Help me out, please." She, too, plunged into the labyrinth of toothsome titles. Finally she emerged smiling. "Have you ever tasted a chocolate fudge-sundae?" "No-o, I'm afraid not."

The parti-colored houses are of the usual Cuban type, mostly of one story, built with a patio or open courtyard in the centre, well filled with flowering plants, among which were observed the attractive coral-tree, which resembles a baby palm, and the universal banana.

There is only Pepper left now." "Only Pepper!" exclaimed that individual indignantly. "What is the matter with me?" "Notin' at ail, me darlint," broke in Gerald; "shure, your the biggest banana in the bunch, av people only knew it." "Well, Pepper?" said Rand. "Heads." "Head it is," announced Rand. "You're it, Pepper." "Begorrah, 'tis a long tail that has no head," commented Gerald.

He then tried releasing his hold upon the trunk but that would not do. He then extracted the letter with his teeth which effectually prevented him from eating the banana. What to do? As he bit into the banana the part remaining trembled and hung as on a thread; another moment and it would drop. The predicament was tragic.

Lilac plumbago, red hybiscus, and golden allemanda mingle with pink and purple lantana, yellow daisies, and hedges of scarlet tassels, enclosing wicker huts in patches of banana and cocoanut.