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He resolved to celebrate his own escape from jail by feasting the neighbours. The entire arrangements were left in the hands of the two Basus, who managed matters so admirably that every one was more than satisfied and Debendra Babu's fame was spread far and wide.

So, one day in June, 18 , he went to Hari Babu's house with the intention of passing the night there. His brother-in-law was absent and not expected till the morrow; but Shám Babu was welcomed by the ladies of the family, who made all arrangements for his comfort. A carriage drove up to the door whence alighted Rámanáth Babu, who was Gopál's younger brother.

I have long since suspected Hiramani of making mischief in this house, and have kept a close watch on her movements. The very day of Pulin Babu's departure I overheard her whispering all manner of false insinuations against my young mistress. Then came the quarrel between husband and wife, which ended in Pulin Babu's leaving your house. I want to know whether this woman is mistress of the family?

The Babu looked about him and perceived a cart standing in the lane. He advanced to it and looked in. "This is obvious place for satisfactory concealment," he said, as with some difficulty he clambered in. Over the edge of the cart he kept watch. In a while he heard the sound of a man walking. The man was certainly at some distance from the turning, but the Babu's head went down at once.

He passed within a foot of Amber, and from somewhere a voice spoke the Virginian could have taken an oath that the babu's lips did not move in a clear yet discreet whisper. "To-morrow," it said; "Darjeeling." Amber hitched his cloak round him and entered the hotel. "Badshah Junction, Mr. Amber ... Badshah Junction ... We'll be there in 'alf an hour ..."

Amarendra Babu saw that he had been dealing with a cunning and desperate man and prudently determined to give him a wide berth in future. But his daughter was in Amarendra Babu's clutches, and she was forced to expiate the sins of her father. The luckless girl was kept on very short commons and locked into a dark room when she was not engaged in rough household work.

At first she was puzzled, but in a moment, recognizing the visitor, she exclaimed, "Oh, Ganga jal! how fortunate I am!" Hira's Ganga jal was Malati the milk-woman, whose home was at Debipur, near Debendra Babu's house.

Henry Fielding in particular. At this moment Desmond said no more, but in the dead of night, when all were asleep, he leaned over to the Babu's charpoy and gently nudged him. "Surendra Nath!" he whispered. "Who calls?" returned the Babu. "Listen. Have you yourself ever thought of escaping?" "Peace and quietness, sir. He will hear." "Who?" "The Gujarati, sir Fuzl Khan." "But he doesn't understand.

I have already said that many of Kailas Babu's friends used to flatter the old man's vanity to the full.

By this means he was hauled from the ground and swung suspended, a butt of sarcasm and abuse for Ramani Babu's myrmidons. After enduring this humiliation for an hour or so, he was let down and a final demand made on him for the arrears of rent.