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He stood at the foot of the stairs, listening, but there was no need of him. He turned away, and as he did so, Widger came into the hall. The old man stood for a moment or two without speaking. Then he made a suppliant movement with his trembling hands. "It b'ain't true!..." he mumbled thickly. "Yes, Widger," Henry answered, "it is." The old man turned away.

"I knowed 'un ever since 'e were a baby," he said, and his lips were quivering. "Praper li'l chap 'e were, too! "It b'ain't right," he went on, looking helplessly about him. Then his voice took a firmer, more definite note, "Where's missus to?" he asked. "She's upstairs, Widger," Henry answered. "I don't think I'd say anything to her at present, if I were you!" "Very well, sir!" He moved away.

Now there is nothing very terrifying, except to a fish, in the aspect of even the biggest harbor seal; but to these fishermen, who knew the shyness of the seals, it was terrifying to the last degree that one should conduct himself in this unheard-of way. They stopped rowing, and stared with superstitious eyes. "Howly Mother!" gasped one, "that b'ain't no seal, Mike!"

"I vow! you get the start of the old lady herself. I b'ain't ready for breakfast yet, if you be." "It will be ready soon, Josiah." "Mornin's is gettin' short," Josiah went on. "One o' them pesky barn doors got loose in the night, and it's beat itself 'most off the hinges, I guess.

Bateson; and it's made my hair gray, and my face all wrinkles, and my hands a sight o' roughness and ugliness, till I'm a regular old woman and a fright at that. And I'm but thirty-five now, though no one 'ud believe it to look at me." "Thirty-five, are you? B'ain't you more than that, Jemima, for surely you look more?"

"Old man, come here!" called some of them to Balla, who was standing near expostulating with the men who were about the fire. "Who? me?" asked Balla. "B'ain't you the carriage driver?" "Ain't I the keridge driver?" "Yes, you; we know you are, so you need not be lying about it." "Hi! yes; I the keridge driver. Who say I ain't?" "Well, where have you hid those horses?