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The Whirlwind easily towed the weight of the disabled runabout, and the autoists were soon approaching town. "Let me out at the post-office, please," begged Mary of Cora, as they rolled through the village streets. "I had better not let madam see me out riding." "Why, she gave you permission, didn't she?" asked Cora in surprise.

No father, of any type whatever, came forward to claim her. In spite of her "Western" experience she looked about her for a taxi, or at least a streetcar. Even in the wilds of Western melodrama one could hear the clang of street-car gongs warning careless autoists off the track.

"What shall we do go back and tell Mrs. Nestor and Mary, or communicate with the police?" "Why not try the Alexian Hospital?" asked Mr. Damon. "That's away over in Center-fiord, to be sure, but it's more likely to be known to passing tourists than either of our institutions around here, especially if the autoists were strangers." "That's so," agreed Tom.

Nor did he appear very popular with the other autoists. He had several young men with him, and they made things rather lively about the hotel, occasionally giving what seemed to be college yells. "They're regular 'rah-rah' boys," said Bob, in contempt.

"The voice sounded as though he was in pain, certainly, but it was strong and vigorous, and not at all as though he was dangerously hurt." "And what do you think happened to him after he was hurt?" asked Mary. "The autoists took him away," decided Tom. "In fact, we heard the machine go, but of course we never connected the call for help and what followed with your father.

"The specialist says Dodo will have to undergo an operation," she reported. Grace gasped, and the others looked worried. "It isn't serious," continued Mollie, "and he says she will surely be better after it. But of course mamma feels dreadful about it." "I should think so," observed Betty. "They never found out who those mean autoists were, did they?"

Bicyclists are just as liable to them as autoists," he added with a laugh. "Well, I'm sure I hope it will be all right," sighed Mary. "I wish you could convince mother to that effect. She's as nervous as a cat. Come in and tell us what to do." "Oh, he'll be all right," declared Mr. Damon, adding his assurances to Tom's. They found Mrs. Nestor verging on an attack of hysteria. Though Mr.