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After the usual preliminary forms had been observed, the prisoner was duly arraigned at the bar. When asked by the clerk of arraignments whether she were guilty or not guilty, she answered vehemently: "I am not guilty of anything at all; no, not I! I never did conspire against any lady! My Lord Viscount Vincent and his valet Frisbie did that!

Accustomed as Janet was to these frequent arraignments of her father's inefficiency, it was gradually borne in upon her now despite a preoccupation with her own fate that the affair thus plaintively voiced by her mother was in effect a family crisis of the first magnitude.

Those of us who are better acquainted with the children of our own Nation cannot concur in any of these accusations. Unhappily, there are children in America, as there are children in every land, who are pert, and lacking in reverence, and sophisticated; but they are in the small minority, and they are not the children to whom foreigners refer when they make their sweeping arraignments.

For you, sir; who have traitorously o'erstepped The bounds of your commission, and betrayed A sacred pledge intrusted to your care, A more severe tribunal is prepared: Let him be straight conducted to the Tower, And capital arraignments filed against him. My honest Talbot, you alone have proved, 'Mongst all my counsellors, an upright man: You shall henceforward be my guide my friend.

Is the old lady really tucked away for the night, or is she coming down to read us a sermon? And how the deuce did you happen to pick her up?" She had come downstairs with confession on her lips, and in the agitation of her mind had scarcely heeded Brent's words or Mrs. Chandos'. She had come down prepared for any attitude but the one in which she found him; for anger, reproaches, arraignments.

Then came on arraignments, and trials, and pleadings; and the whole garrison was in a ferment about this unfortunate queue.

Accustomed as Janet was to these frequent arraignments of her father's inefficiency, it was gradually borne in upon her now despite a preoccupation with her own fate that the affair thus plaintively voiced by her mother was in effect a family crisis of the first magnitude.

This and a number of similar aggressive acts aroused the mill-owners and their agents to appeal with renewed vigour to the public through the newspapers, which it was claimed they owned or subsidized. Then followed a series of arraignments of the strike leaders calculated to stir the wildest prejudices and fears of the citizens of Hampton.

If there was nothing positive in Carlyle's moral teachings, if nobody could extract from his earlier utterances anything more definite than advice to "be up and doing with a heart for every fate," there was in the political teachings of his later works something very positive and definite, and something which he managed to surround with some of the diviner light of his first arraignments of modern civilization.

When we consider the stormy course of Eastern politics before that period the inquiries, the exposures, the arraignments that took place the constant hunt after Indian delinquency, in which Ministers joined no less keenly than the Opposition and then compare all this with the tranquillity that has reigned, since the halcyon incubation of the Board of Control over the waters, though we may allow the full share that actual reform and a better system of government may claim in this change, there is still but too much of it to be attributed to causes of a less elevated nature, to the natural abatement of the watchfulness of the minister, over affairs no longer in the hands of others, and to that power of Influence, which, both at home and abroad, is the great and ensuring bond of tranquillity, and, like the Chain of Silence, mentioned in old Irish poetry, binds all that come within its reach in the same hushing spell of compromise and repose.