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It is celebrated, at least in the Asturias, as being the birth-place of Arguelles, the father of the Spanish constitution. As we dismounted at the door of the posada, where we intended to refresh ourselves, a person who was leaning out of an upper window uttered an exclamation and disappeared.

It was the little Queen, with her governess, Madame Mina, widow of the general of that name, and her guardian, the excellent Arguelles, all in deep mourning for the Duke of Orleans. The little Queen advanced some steps within the saloon and then paused. Madame Mina took her station a little distance behind her.

He called on the commission and urged us to ask Otis to grant this request, but we declined to intervene, and General Otis refused to grant it. Mabini continued Luna's effort, sending Arguelles back with letters to Otis and to the commission.

In the latter he asked for "an armistice and a suspension of hostilities as an indispensable means of arriving at peace," stating explicitly that the Philippine government "does not solicit the armistice to gain a space of time in which to reënforce itself." The commission again referred Arguelles to General Otis on the matter of armistice and suspension of hostilities.

"'In arriving at this decision we have been actuated by the desire to gain time for our arsenals to produce sufficient cartridges, if, as would seem to be probable, they persist in not even recognizing our belligerency, as means for furthering the recognition of our independence." Arguelles, on his return, was instructed to ask Otis for a

General Otis naturally again declined to grant the request for a suspension of hostilities. Little came of the conference between Arguelles and the commission, except that we really succeeded in convincing him of the good intentions of our government, and this promptly got him into very serious trouble, as we shall soon see.

A part of the Insurgent plan of campaign was the circulation of the most shocking statements concerning the abuses committed by American soldiers. I have elsewhere described the fate that overtook Colonel Arguelles, in part because he told the truth as to the humane treatment by the Americans of prisoners and wounded.

Meanwhile, on May 4, we had laid before the President a plan of government informally discussed with Arguelles, and had received the following reply, authorizing, in substance, what we had suggested: "Washington, May 5, 1899, 10.20 P.M. "Schurman, Manila: "Yours 4th received.

Colonel Arguelles has told me exactly the same story. For a time it seemed as if the views expressed by him might prevail. "According to Felipe Buencamino and some others, the majority of the members of congress had been in favour of absolute independence until they saw the demoralization of the officers and soldiers which resulted in the American occupation of Malolos.

He was an object of observation from his very unobtrusiveness. There were. I immediately perceived, a great number of foreigners in the room. They looked much too knowing for Arguelles and Co., and I soon found that they were members of the different embassies, or missions of the various Governments to whose infant existence Premium is foster father.