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"We shall see, then." "Know, then, Senor Arechiza, that for several years past I have followed the profession of a gambusino, and have rambled over most of this country in the exercise of my calling. I have seen a deposit of gold such as mortal eye perhaps never looked upon!" "You have seen it, and not possessed yourself of it?" "Do not mock me, Don Estevan; I am in earnest.

It is Don Estevan de Arechiza himself under whose orders we are enrolled; so, too, may you be, if you desire it; and between ourselves, amigo, it is the best thing you can do." Cuchillo fearing that his victim might escape him, now wished more than ever that he should join the expedition.

The rainy had succeeded to the dry season, without anything being known of their fate, or of the expedition commanded by Don Estevan de Arechiza. Diaz was no more, having carried with him to the tomb the secret of the wonderful valley and Gayferos had followed his three liberators.

Notwithstanding your mistrust, senor, I am still nothing more than the secret agent of a prince, and I desire to remain in your eyes, as ever, the simple gentleman Don Estevan de Arechiza nothing more.

"You must know, then, and I may without indiscretion inform you," continued he, "that Don Augustin Pena, whom God preserve, was the intimate friend of Senor Arechiza, and that he has had no news of him for six months past, which would be natural enough if he has been massacred by the Indians with all the rest.

Pepe shook his head in the negative. "If you mean the fellow in the yellow jacket," said he, "I fancy the devil has him under his protection; for I had a fair sight on him and yet he's off! He's not alone, however; there are four other horsemen along with him; and in one of these gentleman I have recognised him whom they here call Don Estevan de Arechiza, but who is no other than "

Senor Arechiza! retire; for the love of the Virgin, let not the world know that a crime has been committed in our house."

That is the emblem of your star, which at present pale, to-morrow may be in the ascendant, and gleam more brightly than any of those that compose the brilliant cortege of the Chariot." "What mean you, Senor Arechiza?" "I shall tell you presently.

"One easily believes what he wishes to believe," remarked Arechiza. "Hear me, Senor Don Estevan! There are two things on which I pride myself. One is, that I have a conscience easily alarmed; the other, that I am gifted with a perspicuity not easily deluded." The Spaniard made no further objections. He was satisfied, not with the outlaw's conscience, but his perspicuity.

Arechiza knew too well how to read the human physiognomy to doubt the truth of Cuchillo's report. Two hundred dollars were to him a mere bagatelle; and taking an ebony case from his bed, small but heavy, he drew from it a rouleau of gold pieces and handed them to the gambusino, who immediately put them in his pocket. There was a little more in the rouleau than had been bargained for.