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Only some business matters detain me here, which I cannot attend to today because it is Sunday; but I confidently anticipate starting for Angermünde tomorrow at four, and accordingly, unless the very improbable event occurs that I am detained outrageously in Kniephof, shall arrive in Schlawe on Thursday. * Farewell, my heart. Our banns were cried today for the first time in Schönhausen.

More recently the Anthropological Society of Vienna compared the stone hatchets found near the Canadian lakes and in the deserts of Uruguay, with others from Catania in Italy, Angermunde in Brandenburg, and a tomb in Scandinavia, deciding that they were all exactly alike.

They will never rest till we are caught. And, for that reason, we cannot afford to waste much time." "You are right," said the captain. "We must get through Angermunde as quickly and as quietly as possible." Then to Hal he shouted: "Don't lose your nerve, and keep cool. Be ready to make a dash if you get the word." "Don't you worry about my nerve," Hal replied grimly.

"And you," he said, "you both look over young to be taking the risk of spies. How do you come to be mixed up in this business?" Hal explained. "Why did you not submit to arrest in Angermunde?" "Because we feared we would be detained." "And is that a sufficient cause for attacking a squad of German troops?" "We considered it so," replied Hal. "Enough!" exclaimed General Steinberg.

"We should be nearing Angermunde by this time," the lieutenant explained, "and it will never do to go through there at this speed." "Do you suppose our would-be captors have communicated with the authorities at Angermunde?" asked the Frenchman. "I would not be surprised," replied the lieutenant; "but we must risk it. One thing I am sure of, however, is that our pursuers are not far behind.

ANGERMÜNDE, a town of Germany, in the Prussian province of Brandenburg, on Lake Münde, 43 m. from Berlin by the Berlin-Stettin railway, and at the junction of lines to Prenzlau, Freien-walde and Schwedt. Pop. 7465. It has three Protestant churches, a grammar school and court of law. Its industries embrace iron founding and enamel working.