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On November 7, 1915, the Austrians sank the Ancona, in the Mediterranean, drowning American citizens under conditions of particular atrocity, and submarine attacks on merchant ships, without the "warning" or attempt to save passengers and crew which Bernstorff had promised, took place nearly every day.

When the name of Nero is heard, who thinks of the consul! But such are human things." About midway between Rimini and Ancona a little river falls into the Adriatic, after traversing one of those districts of Italy, in which a vain attempt has lately been made to revive, after long centuries of servitude and shame, the spirit of Italian nationality, and the energy of free institutions.

Whenever mention is made of the Ancona incident it recalls the fact that the Lusitania question still remains unsettled. It is a well known fact that we are faced here with an anti-German ring of great influence. I have repeatedly pointed this out in my reports. The Government is treating this anti-German ring with the same weakness as are the majority of American private citizens.

Piedmont having seized Umbria and the Marches of Ancona, and having also, through her agent Garibaldi, taken possession of Sicily and Naples, was mistress not only of the greater portion of the Pontifical States, but also of almost all Italy at the same time. It became such greatness to have a parliament.

So he got together as much money as he might, and secretly, no word said to friend or kinsman except only a familiar gossip, who knew all, he took his departure for Ancona. Arrived there, he assumed the name of Filippo Santodeccio, and having forgathered with a rich merchant, entered his service.

It was, then, with astonishment, mingled with indignation, that Pius VII. learnt the news of the occupation of Ancona; he wrote, on the 13th November, 1805, a personal and secret letter to the emperor: "We avow frankly to your Majesty the keen chagrin that we experience in seeing ourselves treated in a way that we do not think we have in any degree merited.

The Sinigaglia trials were followed by similar prosecutions at Ancona, Jesi, Pesaro, and Funa, where unhappy groupes of citizens, indicted for political offences, waited the tender mercies which the "Holy Father" dispenses to his figli by the hands of Swiss and Austrian carabiniers. Let us state the result at Ancona.

My Misfortunes in Chiozza Father Stephano The Lazzaretto at Ancona The Greek Slave My Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Loretto I Go to Rome on Foot, and From Rome to Naples to Meet the Bishop I Cannot Join Him Good Luck Offers Me the Means of Reaching Martorano, Which Place I Very Quickly Leave to Return to Naples The retinue of the ambassador, which was styled "grand," appeared to me very small.

It was at this critical juncture that he resolved to invade the Papal states, and take possession of the Province of Umbria and the Marches of Ancona. The decision was one of extreme boldness.

It was a truly painful visit, and we left him with the desire that he might be instructed even out of his own law, which, if properly understood, would prove as a schoolmaster to bring him to Christ. After spending about five weeks at Corfu on this second visit, they again crossed the Adriatic to Ancona.